- User-defined units. You can set year and month or month, date, hour and minute.
- User-defined time ranges. You can set anytime with the precision of a minute
- For example, you can set begin time at Dec -27(th), 2011 102:12 and end time at Oct 21(st), 2020 20:20
- You also can use NPM.
- Open the demo on the mobile
npm i mob-date-selector --save-dev
var path = require('path');
module.exports = {
entry : {...},
output : {...},
module : {
loaders :[{
test: /\.css$/,
loader: 'style!css'
}, {
test: /\.js$/,
exclude: path.resolve('./node_modules'),
loader: 'babel',
<!-- the #date-selector-input can be any other dom for your convenient-->
<input id="date-selector-input" type="text" readonly/>
<!-- the #targetContainer must be the outermost dom below body -->
<div id="targetContainer"></div>
import DateSelector from 'mob-date-selector';
new DateSelector({ ... });
sass: DateSelector/DateSelector.scss
css: DateSelector/DateSelector.css
js: DateSelector/DateSelector.js
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="./DateSelector.css"/>
<!-- the #date-selector-input can be any other dom for your convenient-->
<input id="date-selector-input" type="text" readonly/>
<!-- the #targetContainer must be the outermost dom below body -->
<div id="targetContainer"></div>
<script src="./DateSelector.js"></script>
new DateSelector({ ... });
Parameter List:
Attributes | Type | Value | Details |
input | {String} | eg:'date-selector-input' | the id of the dom you touch. |
container | {String} | eg:'targetContainers' | the id of the container you ready to append dom. |
type | {Number} | 0 OR 1 | 0: fixed style with tab; 1: free style without tab. |
param | {Array} | eg:[0, 1, 1, 1, 1] | user-defined units, every position means ['year', 'month', 'day', 'hour', 'minute']. 1 means you need the unit,0 means you dont need it. There must be serial 1. |
beginTime | {Array} | eg:[3,27,12,12] Mar 27(th) 12:12 default : [1970, 1, 1, 0, 0] |
user-defined begin time points. An empty array means default array. The equivalent of every position is the sequent position of 1 in param . |
endTime | {Array} | the same to beginTime default : [nextYear, 12, 31, 23, 59] |
user-defined end time points. An empty array means default array. The equivalent of every position is the sequent position of 1 in param . |
recentTime | {Array} | the same to beginTime | user-defined recent time points. An empty array means NOW. The equivalent of every position is the sequent position of 1 in param . |
success | {function} | function(arr1, arr2){alert(arr1)} | function(arr){} User-defined callback. The first param is the result. The arr1 is an array of Number, and the other is an array of String. |
- type = 0,this type can set unit freely, and the style without tab.
- type = 1 this type was made up by year, month, date, hour and minute. And the style is fixed.
- If you want to define the JSON by yourself, you can go to see MultiPicker.
- For questions and issues please use THIS WAY
- I am Appian.
【时间单位】自定义组合, 无论是年月日还是时分都能随心所欲的排列组合
【时间范围】自定义设置, 自定义的时间可以精确到分钟,并尽可能的进行数据合法性校正
例如可以设置【2011年13月(-27)日 102时12分 ~ 2020年10月21日 20时20分】的效果
你也可以使用 NPM.
npm i mob-date-selector --save-dev
var path = require('path');
module.exports = {
entry : {...},
output : {...},
module : {
loaders :[{
test: /\.css$/,
loader: 'style!css'
}, {
test: /\.js$/,
exclude: path.resolve('./node_modules'),
loader: 'babel',
<!-- #date-selector-input 可以是任意的dom, 只要你方便展示 -->
<input id="date-selector-input" type="text" readonly/>
<!-- #targetContainer 最好是位于body下的最外层的dom -->
<div id="targetContainer"></div>
import DateSelector from 'mob-date-selector';
new DateSelector({ ... });
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="./DateSelector.css"/>
<!-- #date-selector-input 可以是任意的dom, 只要你方便展示 -->
<input id="date-selector-input" type="text" readonly/>
<!-- #targetContainer 最好是位于body下的最外层的dom -->
<div id="targetContainer"></div>
<script src="./DateSelector.js"></script>
new DateSelector({ ... });
参数 | 字符类型 | 取值 | 说明 |
input | {String} | eg:'date-selector-input' | 点击触发插件的input框的id |
container | {String} | eg:'targetContainers' | 插件即将插入的容器id |
type | {Number} | 0 或 1 | 0为自定义插件的日期单位(不带tab切换),1为固定插件的日期单位为【年月日】【时分】(带tab切换) |
param | {Array} | eg:[0, 1, 1, 1, 1] | 设置单位,元素分别对应设置['year','month','day','hour','minute'],1为需要,0为不需要,需要为连续的1 |
beginTime | {Array} | eg:[3,27,12,12] 3月27日12点12分 | 设置开始时间点,空数组默认设置成1970年1月1日0时0分开始,数组的值对应param参数的对应值。 |
endTime | {Array} | 同beginTime | 设置结束时间点,空数组默认设置成次年12月31日23时59分结束,数组的值对应param参数的对应值。 |
recentTime | {Array} | 同beginTime | 设置当前时间点,空数组默认设置为系统当前时间,数组的值对应param参数的对应值。 |
success | {function} | function(arr1, arr2){alert(arr2)} | function(arr){} 回调函数,可以自定义结果格式化, arr1为数字结果, arr2为字符串结果 |
type = 0 自定义单位,【年月日时分】的自定义任意组合
type = 1 带tab切换,固定单位【年月日时分】的固定样式
这个插件能配合Vue,React,Angluar 或者 jQuery 吗?
demo中使用了input disabled只是为了返回值可以通过设置value返回,演示方便。input readonly可能存在一些兼容问题.
带有加速度的滑动 (•‿•)
能够动态设置任意开始和结束【时!间!点!】 (•‿•)
是的,你可以设置任何尴尬的时间了~ 比如:【2016-11-11 11:11 ~ 2016-12-12 12:12】
能够任意设置时间单位的组合 (•‿•)
"年月日" OR "月日时分" OR "年月日时分"
能够切换固定样式和自定义样式,简化参数 (•‿•)
能利用我的模型处理更多、更自由的联动 (•‿•)
比如城市多级联动,请移步自定义json选择器 - MultiPicker.
样式主题可能和你的产品风格不符,可以通过更改sass中的全局变量来解决问题 >.<
如果遇到什么神bug,不要着急。这时候,请对我发起issue~ 一定让您满意!