This directory contains a few particular examples of basic loops.
- very simple example shows the outline of a training/validation loop using the default Agent parent class
- uses agent.repeat_label to display data from a particular task provided on the command-line
- shows the predictions of a provided model on a particular task provided on the command-line
- uses the named agent to compute evaluation metrics data for a particular task provided on the command-line
- build a dictionary from a particular task provided on the command-line using core.dict.DictionaryAgent
- memnn_luatorch_cpu: shows a few examples of training an end-to-end memory network on a few datasets
- drqa: shows how to train the attentive LSTM DrQA model of Chen et al. on SQuAD.
Most of them can be run simply by typing python {example}.py -t {task_name}
. Here are some examples:
Display 10 random examples from task 1 of the "1k training examples" bAbI task:
python -t babi:task1k:1
Run a train/valid loop with the basic agent (which prints what it receives and then says hello to the teacher, rather than learning anything) on the babi task:
python -t babi:task1k:1
Displays 100 random examples from multi-tasking on the bAbI task and the SQuAD dataset at the same time:
python -t babi:task1k:1,squad -n 100
Evaluate an IR baseline model on the validation set of the Movies Subreddit dataset:
python -m ir_baseline -t "#moviedd-reddit" -dt valid
Display the predictions of that same IR baseline model:
python -m ir_baseline -t "#moviedd-reddit" -dt valid
Build a dictionary on a bAbI "1k training examples" task 1 and save it to /tmp/dict.tsv
python -t babi:task1k:1 --dict-savepath /tmp/dict.tsv
Train a simple cpu-based memory network on the "10k training examples" bAbI task 1 with 8 threads (python processes) using Hogwild (requires zmq and Lua Torch):
python memnn_luatorch_cpu/ -t babi:task10k:1 -nt 8
Trains an attentive LSTM model on the SQuAD dataset with a batch size of 32 examples (requires pytorch):
python drqa/ -t squad -bs 32