Scrapy, a fast high-level web crawling & scraping framework for Python.
一些非常有趣的python爬虫例子,对新手比较友好,主要爬取淘宝、天猫、微信、微信读书、豆瓣、QQ等网站。(Some interesting examples of python crawlers that are friendly to beginners. )
Official repository for Spyder - The Scientific Python Development Environment
「画像処理100本ノック」中文版本!为图像处理初学者设计的 100 个问题。
Image Deblurring using Generative Adversarial Networks
[IEEE TIP] "EnlightenGAN: Deep Light Enhancement without Paired Supervision" by Yifan Jiang, Xinyu Gong, Ding Liu, Yu Cheng, Chen Fang, Xiaohui Shen, Jianchao Yang, Pan Zhou, Zhangyang Wang
A Python package to stabilize videos using OpenCV
FFA-Net: Feature Fusion Attention Network for Single Image Dehazing
Fast underwater image enhancement for Improved Visual Perception. #TensorFlow #PyTorch #RAL2020
Attentive Generative Adversarial Network for Raindrop Removal from A Single Image (CVPR 2018)
Densely Connected Pyramid Dehazing Network (CVPR'2018)
PyTorch implementation of some single image dehazing networks.
The source code of CVPR 2020 paper "Multi-Scale Boosted Dehazing Network with Dense Feature Fusion"
Unofficial tensorflow implemention of "Attentive Generative Adversarial Network for Raindrop Removal from A Single Image (CVPR 2018) " model
Implementation of "Gated Context Aggregation Network for Image Dehazing and Deraining"
Source code for UWGAN: Underwater GAN for Real-world Underwater Color Restoration and Dehazing
Enhanced Pix2pix Dehazing Network, accepted by CVPR 2019
FD-GAN: Generative adversarial Networks with Fusion-discriminator for Single Image Dehazing(AAAI'20)
Solution for NTIRE2018 Image Dehazing Challenge & ACCV2018 Kangfu Mei et al.
video stabilization with CNN
Deep-Energy: Unsupervised Training of Deep Neural Networks
Single Image Dehazing with a Generic Model-Agnostic Convolutional Neural Network
NTIRE 2020 NonHomogeneous Dehazing Challenge (CVPR Workshop 2020) Winner Award Solution.
Pytorch implementation of AOD-Net : All-in-One Network for Dehazing - ICCV2017