centos 7
curl -o /etc/yum.repos.d/CentOS-Base.repo http://mirrors.aliyun.com/repo/Centos-7.repo
yum update
yum install vala-devel gtk2-devel libjpeg-devel
stiv-jpg 1.jpg 256
Tiv implements its own rendering algorithms to display pictures loaded with the Gdk library to the terminal using ascii art and ansi256 in color and grayscale.
This program has been written for fun, the code is ugly but it will be cleaned up and refactorized into a library probably in the future.
kodim* images under the img/ directory are 24bit test images from kodak and are freely available for unrestricted here: http://r0k.us/graphics/kodak/
Stiv is the suckless reimplementation in plain C, bitmaps should be provided in rgb24 form and width/height are passed as arguments:
$ tiv -d foo.img > .bitmap 2> .size
$ stiv `cat .size` < .bitmap
This program has been released on Jan 2013 by pancake Contact addresses are: @trufae and [email protected]
ascii ansi grey 256
iTerm2 x x x x
OSX Terminal x x - -
xterm x x x x
st x x x x
Using the Vala implementation:
$ ./tiv -s 40 -t img/kodim15.jpg
Using the suckless C implementation:
$ ./stiv-jpeg
stiv-jpeg . suckless terminal image viewer
Usage: stiv [image] [width] [mode]
Modes: [ascii,ansi,grey,256,rgb]
$ ./stiv-jpeg img/kodim15.jpg 50
original picture