Jun Zhu
uWebSockets == 0.13
# install dependencies for uWebSockets
$ sudo apt-get install libssl-dev libuv1-dev
$ sudo apt-get install zlib1g-dev # may not be required
Follow the instruction.
Eigen >= 3.3.3
$ git clone --branch 3.3.7 https://github.com/eigenteam/eigen-git-mirror.git
$ cd eigen-git-mirror
$ mkdir build && cd build
$ cmake .. && make install
- Linux
$ mkdir build && cd build
$ cmake .. && make
- Mac
$ mkdir build && cd build
$ cmake -DOPENSSL_ROOT_DIR=/usr/local/opt/openssl/ .. && make
Start the controller by
$ ./mpc
Then, download and run the simulator.
A kinematic model (ignoring tire forces, gravity and mass) is used to describe the vehicle in the simulator. The units used in this simulator is not self-consistent. For simplicity, let's say the speed is in MPH and the time is in second.
vehicle state is described by (x
, y
, psi
, v
), where x
, y
are the x, y coordinates respectively, psi
is the orientation with respect to the x axis and v
is the velocity.
vehicle actuator is described by (delta
, a
), where delta
is the steering angle and a
is the acceleration/deceleration.
determines the turning rate of the vehicle. The larger the value, the smaller the turning rate! In this project, L_f = 2.67
First, the prediction time step should be longer enough to make the system be able to response timely. In the meanwhile, a smaller time step is desired for a higher speed. However, it is found that the fit tends to become mad when making a sharp turn with a smaller time step.
Second, it does not help too much to predict the system evolution in a very long period, which is computationally expensive. But the car will lose control quickly if the total prediction period is too short.
As a compromise, 0.2 s time step and a total period of 1.6 s is being using.
The latency can be compensated by tracking the vehicle at the time of measurement to the current time.
Run with 100 ms latency
Run without latency (maximum speed = 110 MPH)
This is for fun!!! The steering is fitted exponentially. Only 3 variables need to be optimized.