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zhzhuangxue / DeepLearningSystem
Forked from chenzomi12/AISystemDeep Learning System core principles introduction.
Best Practices, code samples, and documentation for Computer Vision.
arichadda / yolov5_rareplanes
Forked from ultralytics/yolov5This repo contains notebooks using YOLOv5 and the RarePlanes dataset to detect and classify sub-characteristics of aircraft
zhzhuangxue / SlowFastNetworks
Forked from r1c7/SlowFastNetworksPyTorch implementation of "SlowFast Networks for Video Recognition".
zhzhuangxue / mmdetection
Forked from whitecooper/mmdetectionOpen MMLab Detection Toolbox and Benchmark
zhzhuangxue / Awesome-Temporally-Language-Grounding
Forked from WuJie1010/Awesome-Temporally-Language-GroundingA curated list of “Temporally Language Grounding” and related area
Updated Aug 3, 2019