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  • id的设计,因为设置了unsigned,导致雪花算法产生的id无法插入
    • 纠正:助教反馈之后,不是这个原因,也重新测试了,发现无法复现之前的错误,bigint unsigned也是ok的,感觉是之前ss的配置有问题
  • 因为表名设置成了 order, 和mysql的关键字冲突了,导致ss-jdbc在解析sql的时候报错,需要在 sql中将order用``框起来

2020.12.09, 因为一直没时间,先写了一题,后面一题后面补上


  1. 配置proto生成java code的时候一直报错, 命令 mvn compile

    [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    [INFO] Total time:  2.010 s
    [INFO] Finished at: 2020-12-13T10:00:20+08:00
    [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    [ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.xolstice.maven.plugins:protobuf-maven-plugin:0.6.1:compile (default) on project tcc-demo-common: protoc did not exit cleanly. Review output for more information. -> [Help 1]
    [ERROR] To see the full stack trace of the errors, re-run Maven with the -e switch.
    [ERROR] Re-run Maven using the -X switch to enable full debug logging.
    [ERROR] For more information about the errors and possible solutions, please read the following articles:
    [ERROR] [Help 1]

    一直以为是 protobuf-maven-plugin 的版本问题,没有往上翻错误信息,其实是因为两个proto里面有相同的 message 了

    [ERROR] /Users/wujiajia/IdeaProjects/homework120501/tcc-demo-common/src/main/proto/node.proto [0:0]: chain.proto:23:9: "OpNodeResponse.Code" is already defined in file "node.proto".
    chain.proto:24:10: "OpNodeResponse.Data" is already defined in file "node.proto".
    chain.proto:25:10: "OpNodeResponse.Err" is already defined in file "node.proto".
    chain.proto:21:9: "OpNodeResponse" is already defined in file "node.proto".
    chain.proto:8:41: "OpNodeResponse" seems to be defined in "node.proto", which is not imported by "chain.proto".  To use it here, please add the necessary import.
    [ERROR] /Users/wujiajia/IdeaProjects/homework120501/tcc-demo-common/src/main/proto/chain.proto [0:0]: chain.proto:23:9: "OpNodeResponse.Code" is already defined in file "node.proto".
    chain.proto:24:10: "OpNodeResponse.Data" is already defined in file "node.proto".
    chain.proto:25:10: "OpNodeResponse.Err" is already defined in file "node.proto".
    chain.proto:21:9: "OpNodeResponse" is already defined in file "node.proto".
    chain.proto:8:41: "OpNodeResponse" seems to be defined in "node.proto", which is not imported by "chain.proto".  To use it here, please add the necessary import.
  2. 配置maven生成不可执行的jar包,需要配置spring-boot-maven-plugin的configuration.layout为NONE

  3. proto编写

  • 示例
    syntax = "proto3";
    option java_package = "com.github.zibuyu28.chain.service";
    option java_multiple_files = true;
    service ChainStatusService {
      rpc updateStatus(ChainState) returns (ChainStateResponse) {}
    message ChainState {
      int32 ChainID = 1;
      int32 State = 2;
      string Message = 3;
    message ChainStateResponse {
      int32 Code = 1;
      string Data = 2;
      string Err = 3;
    一开始将service的rpc方法的首字母大写了,导致 GrpcHmilyTransactionFilter 一直无效; 可能是个缺陷
  1. hmily测试的时候发现grpc的服务增加HmilyTCC注解无效,测试了官方demo之后也发现一直处于冻结状态,无法cancel,这个问题已经和猫大人反馈并且提了issue,希望能得到解决
    • 2020.12.14:hmily官方已经修复这个缺陷,,目前流程正常