Welcome to ZIO AWS S3 !
This project aims to ease ZIO integration with AWS S3, providing a clean, simple and efficient API.
- AWS S3 Java v2 2.10.42
- ZIO Task wrapper for all AWS methods
- Module Pattern implementation
- ZIO Test integration
- Support for Scala 2.13.1 and 2.12.10
With ZIO Test library, you can use this as simple as:
testM("list all keys, related to a specific prefix") {
val res = for {
s3 <- aws.service.createClient(region, endpoint).mapError(_ => new IOException("S3 client creation failed"))
out <- aws.service.listObjectsKeys(bucket, prefix)(s3)
_ = println(out)
} yield out
assertM(res.foldM(_ => ZIO.fail("failed"), _ => ZIO.succeed("ok")), equalTo("ok"))
} @@ timeout(10.seconds)