NOTE: Any issue that does not follow the below template will be immediately closed and not re-opened until the template structure is adhered to.
- Do not use the issues tracker for help or support (try VRTK Slack channel, Stack Overflow, etc.)
- For proposing a new feature, please check existing open and closed issues before creating a duplicate
- For bugs, do a quick search and make sure the bug has not yet been reported
- Finally, be excellent to each other, and party on dudes!
- Source of VRTK (Unity Asset Store or Github)
- Version of VRTK (Unity Asset Store/Github release number) (Github master commit hash)
- Version of Unity3D (e.g. Unity 5.4.4f1)
- Hardware used (e.g. Vive/Oculus)
- SDK used (e.g. OpenVR/SteamVR/Oculus Utilities)
Attempt to recreate the issue in a VRTK example scene and provide steps to reproduce in a clear text step by step list. Include code samples, errors and stacktraces if appropriate.
Briefly describe what you expect should happen
Briefly describe what is actually happening