Modern.Forms Public
Forked from modern-forms/Modern.FormsCross-platform spiritual successor to Winforms for .NET 6
C# MIT License UpdatedJun 22, 2022 -
MauiPane Public
Forked from jsuarezruiz/AlohaKit.Layouts.NET MAUI Layouts Library
C# MIT License UpdatedJun 19, 2022 -
DNNE Public
Forked from AaronRobinsonMSFT/DNNEPrototype native exports for a .NET Assembly.
C# UpdatedMay 12, 2022 -
Xamarin-RTSP Public
Forked from rretamal/Xamarin-RTSPExample adjusting an RTSP Camera implementation using Xamarin Forms
C# UpdatedMay 6, 2022 -
pyctp Public
Forked from haifengat/pyctp上期技术期货交易api之python封装,实现接口调用。支持windows linux.
C# Apache License 2.0 UpdatedMay 4, 2022 -
MauiFolderPickerSample Public
Forked from jfversluis/MauiFolderPickerSampleSample code to demonstrate how to implement a folder picker with .NET MAUI
C# UpdatedApr 11, 2022 -
AwaitablePopups Public
Forked from LuckyDucko/AwaitablePopupsCustomisable Popups for Xamarin Forms
C# MIT License UpdatedApr 7, 2022 -
net-maui-goodlooking-UI Public
Forked from jsuarezruiz/dotnet-maui-showcaseA curated list of awesome .NET MAUI samples
UpdatedMar 29, 2022 -
RJControls Public
Forked from RJCodeAdvance/RJControlsModern, flat, and elegant Custom Controls for Windows Forms, C#, or Visual Basic.NET. This Custon Controls library was created for training purposes through tutorial videos. You can download the so…
C# UpdatedMar 25, 2022 -
mparticle-xamarin-sdk Public
Forked from mParticle/mparticle-xamarin-sdkmParticle SDK for Xamarin iOS and Android apps
C# Apache License 2.0 UpdatedMar 23, 2022 -
WPFManager Public
Forked from straw-git/WPFManager一款非常漂亮的 WPF 管理系统,插件包含 人事管理(人员信息、工资、保险) 财务管理(收款账号、工资发放) 固定资产管理 库存管理 客户会员管理
C# UpdatedMar 9, 2022 -
CoreRemoting Public
Forked from theRainbird/CoreRemotingRPC library with classic .NET Remoting flavour
C# MIT License UpdatedJan 15, 2022 -
netmaui-travel-app-challenge Public
Forked from jsuarezruiz/netmaui-travel-app-challengeTravel App UI Challenge made with .NET MAUI (and Xamarin.Forms).
C# UpdatedJan 10, 2022 -
Xamarin.Forms.AR Public
Forked from felipebaltazar/Xamarin.Forms.ARArcore and arkit for xamarin forms
C# MIT License UpdatedDec 26, 2021 -
DrasticOverlay Public
Forked from drasticactions/DrasticOverlayFun with MAUI's IWindowOverlay
C# UpdatedDec 23, 2021 -
JHRS Public
Forked from jhrscom/JHRSThe JHRS WPF framework is used to demonstrate how to use wpf and xamarin to build a development framework. The presentation framework only provides an idea. If you apply it to actual projects, you …
C# UpdatedDec 20, 2021 -
xamarin-forms-stocks-app Public
Forked from DevExpress-Examples/out-of-maintenance-xamarin-forms-stocks-appXamarin Forms Stocks App
C# Other UpdatedDec 1, 2021 -
Xamarin.Forms.Vonage Public
Forked from AndreiMisiukevich/Xamarin.Forms.VonageC# MIT License UpdatedAug 29, 2021 -
NotificationService Public
Forked from LuckyDucko/NotificationServiceSet and forget Notifications for Xamarin
C# MIT License UpdatedJul 29, 2021 -
Canvas Public
Forked from artemiusgreat/Canvas-DesktopGeneric real-time charts for WPF apps with built-in pan and zoom support. Financial and stock-trading charts.
C# MIT License UpdatedJul 28, 2021 -
nctp Public
Forked from zhangkong828/nctpdotnet core wrapper ctp api. 上期CTP的dotnet core封装
C# Apache License 2.0 UpdatedJul 26, 2021 -
Ocelot.Provider.Nacos Public
Forked from softlgl/Ocelot.Provider.NacosRepo for Nacos integration with Ocelot
C# UpdatedJul 8, 2021 -
TinyLittleMvvm Public
Forked from thoemmi/TinyLittleMvvmA small MVVM library for WPF built on top of MahApps.Metro, supporting .NET Framework >= 4.7.2 and .NET Core >= 3
C# MIT License UpdatedJun 29, 2021 -
XamarinLibraryMenu Public
Forked from jingliancui/XamarinLibraryMenuMenu of XamarinLibrary
HTML UpdatedJun 27, 2021 -
Caliburn.Micro Public
Forked from Caliburn-Micro/Caliburn.MicroA small, yet powerful framework, designed for building applications across all XAML platforms. Its strong support for MV* patterns will enable you to build your solution quickly, without the need t…
C# MIT License UpdatedJun 24, 2021 -
MahApps.Metro Public
Forked from MahApps/MahApps.MetroA framework that allows developers to cobble together a better UI for their own WPF applications with minimal effort.
C# MIT License UpdatedJun 23, 2021 -