This is a concise Pytorch implementation of MADDPG and MATD3 in MPE environment(Multi-Agent Particle-World Environment).
You can dircetly run '' in your own IDE.
If you want to use MADDPG, you can set the paraemeter 'algorithm' = 'MADDPG';
If you want to use MATD3, you can set the paraemeter 'algorithm' = 'MATD3'.
Multi-Agent Particle-World Environment(MPE)
You can set the 'env_index' in the code to change the environments in MPE.
env_index=0 represent 'simple_speaker_listener'
env_index=1 represent 'simple_spread'
[1] Lowe R, Wu Y I, Tamar A, et al. Multi-agent actor-critic for mixed cooperative-competitive environments[J]. Advances in neural information processing systems, 2017, 30.
[2] Ackermann J, Gabler V, Osa T, et al. Reducing overestimation bias in multi-agent domains using double centralized critics[J]. arXiv preprint arXiv:1910.01465, 2019.