CKB local development network for your first try.
- One-line command to start a devnet
- no docker required
- pre-funded test accounts
- built-in scripts like Omnilock and Spore-contract
- multiple minimal dApp templates to learn and get your hands dirty
Start building on Nervos blockchain, right now, right away!
- OffCKB
- Table of Contents
- Install
- Usage
- Get started
- Run A dApp Example
- dApp Examples with Detailed Tutorial
- Built-in scripts
- Accounts
- About Lumos
- Contributing
npm install -g @offckb/cli
We recommand using LTS version of Node to run offckb
Usage: offckb [options] [command]
ckb development network for your first try
-V, --version output the version number
-h, --help display help for command
init [your-project-name] Init a example dApp to learn and run
create [your-project-name] Create a new dApp from bare templates
node Use the CKB to start devnet
clean Clean the devnet data, need to stop running the chain first
accounts Print account list info
list-hashes Use the CKB to list blockchain scripts hashes
inject-config Add offckb.config.ts to your workspace
sync-config sync offckb.config.ts in your workspace
deposit [options] [toAddress] [amountInShannon] Deposit CKB tokens to address, only devnet and testnet
transfer [options] [toAddress] [amountInShannon] Transfer CKB tokens to address, only devnet and testnet
balance [options] [toAddress] Check account balance, only devnet and testnet
deploy [options] Deploy contracts to different networks, only supports devnet and testnet
deployed-scripts [options] Show deployed contracts info on networks, only supports devnet and testnet
help [command] display help for command
Use offckb [command] -h
to learn more about a specific command.
Sometimes you might encounter sudo permission problems. Granting the current user write access to the node_modules directory can resolve the problem.
sudo chown -R $(whoami) /usr/local/lib/node_modules
npm install -g @offckb/cli
Create a new project from predefined boilerplates.
offckb create <your-project-name, eg:my-first-ckb-project>
The boilerplate can be targeting on different CKB networks. Check in the project to get started.
You can create a new script project without a frontend. This is useful when you only want to develop smart contracts for CKB.
offckb create <your-project-name> --script
Note: you need to have rust/cargo/cargo-generate/clang 16+ installed in your environment to use this command. offckb doesn't do anything really, it just call ckb-script-template to do all the magic.
offckb init <your-project-name, eg:my-awesome-ckb-dapp>
## Select an example dApp
? Select a dapp template (Use arrow keys)
❯ Transfer CKB
Issue Coin With XUDT scripts
a simple dapp to check CKB balance and transfer CKB from address to address
init CKB dapp project: /Users/ckb/Desktop/offckb/my-awesome-ckb-dapp
✨ Done in 7.52s.
## start running
cd my-awesome-ckb-dapp
yarn && yarn start
## results
yarn run v1.22.19
$ parcel index.html
Server running at http://localhost:1234
✨ Built in 10ms
Open another terminal and run:
offckb node
# result
# ...
CKB-Miner: 2024-03-04 14:35:12.563 +00:00 client INFO ckb_miner::miner Found! #3181 0x3749481a320824fe21077eaa8ec9d024a7b62d031720c27c1ef1681e8ab349e8
CKB-Miner: 2024-03-04 14:35:17.567 +00:00 client INFO ckb_miner::miner Found! #3184 0xa612a9ea35f292a6473e23e88856283aea8b1bc6a607147bef5c06c94e964f2f
You can leave this terminal open to keep the devnet running, feel free to ctrl+c
to exit the terminal and stop the local blockchain.
Open another terminal and check the accounts to use:
offckb accounts
# results
Print account list, each account is funded with 42_000_000_00000000 capacity in the devnet genesis block.
- "#": 0
address: ckt1qzda0cr08m85hc8jlnfp3zer7xulejywt49kt2rr0vthywaa50xwsqvwg2cen8extgq8s5puft8vf40px3f599cytcyd8
privkey: 0x6109170b275a09ad54877b82f7d9930f88cab5717d484fb4741ae9d1dd078cd6
pubkey: 0x02025fa7b61b2365aa459807b84df065f1949d58c0ae590ff22dd2595157bffefa
lock_arg: 0x8e42b1999f265a0078503c4acec4d5e134534297
codeHash: 0x9bd7e06f3ecf4be0f2fcd2188b23f1b9fcc88e5d4b65a8637b17723bbda3cce8
hashType: type
args: 0x8e42b1999f265a0078503c4acec4d5e134534297
- "#": 1
address: ckt1qzda0cr08m85hc8jlnfp3zer7xulejywt49kt2rr0vthywaa50xwsqt435c3epyrupszm7khk6weq5lrlyt52lg48ucew
privkey: 0x9f315d5a9618a39fdc487c7a67a8581d40b045bd7a42d83648ca80ef3b2cb4a1
pubkey: 0x026efa0579f09cc7c1129b78544f70098c90b2ab155c10746316f945829c034a2d
lock_arg: 0x758d311c8483e0602dfad7b69d9053e3f917457d
codeHash: 0x9bd7e06f3ecf4be0f2fcd2188b23f1b9fcc88e5d4b65a8637b17723bbda3cce8
hashType: type
args: 0x758d311c8483e0602dfad7b69d9053e3f917457d
Copy some private keys and visit http://localhost:1234 to play your first CKB dApp!
packs some basic minimal dApp examples for you to learn and get started with. By running offckb init
, you can select the different dApp examples to quickly set up a local dApp project targeting the local blockchain with built-in scripts and accounts.
The dApp examples often involve interaction with some most useful smart contracts on CKB like xUDT/Spore/Omnilock. The best thing is those dApp examples also come with detailed tutorial documents from The source codes of these templates are also maintained here.
A simple dApp to check CKB balance and transfer CKB.
A simple dApp to issue your own token via XUDT scripts.
A simple dApp to store & retrieve data from a Cell.
A simple dApp to create on-chain digital objects with spore scripts.
- xUDT nervosnetwork/rfcs#428
- commit id: 410b16c
- Omnilock
- commit id: cd764d7
- AnyoneCanPay
- commit id: b845b3b
- AlwaysSuccess
- commit id: 410b16c
- Spore
- version: 0.2.2-beta.1
comes with 20 accounts, each account is funded with 42_000_000_00000000 capacity in the genesis block.
all the private keys are recorded in the account/keys
detail informations about each account are recorded in the account/account.json
uses Lumos as the CKB dApp framework to build the template projects.
check development doc