.. module:: petl.io
The "from..." functions extract a table from a file-like source or
database. For everything except :func:`petl.io.db.fromdb` the
argument provides information about where to extract the
underlying data from. If the source
argument is None
or a
string it is interpreted as follows:
- read from stdin- string starting with http://, https:// or ftp:// - read from URL
- string ending with .gz or .bgz - read from file via gzip decompression
- string ending with .bz2 - read from file via bz2 decompression
- any other string - read directly from file
Some helper classes are also available for reading from other types of file-like sources, e.g., reading data from a Zip file, a string or a subprocess, see the section on :ref:`io_helpers` below for more information.
Be aware that loading data from stdin breaks the table container convention, because data can usually only be read once. If you are sure that data will only be read once in your script or interactive session then this may not be a problem, however note that some :mod:`petl` functions do access the underlying data source more than once and so will not work as expected with data from stdin.
The "to..." functions load data from a table into a file-like source
or database. For functions that accept a source
argument, if the
argument is None
or a string it is interpreted as
- write to stdout- string ending with .gz or .bgz - write to file via gzip decompression
- string ending with .bz2 - write to file via bz2 decompression
- any other string - write directly to file
Some helper classes are also available for writing to other types of file-like sources, e.g., writing to a Zip file or string buffer, see the section on :ref:`io_helpers` below for more information.
.. module:: petl.io.csv
.. autofunction:: petl.io.base.fromcolumns
.. autofunction:: petl.io.csv.fromcsv
.. autofunction:: petl.io.csv.tocsv
.. autofunction:: petl.io.csv.appendcsv
.. autofunction:: petl.io.csv.teecsv
.. autofunction:: petl.io.csv.fromtsv
.. autofunction:: petl.io.csv.totsv
.. autofunction:: petl.io.csv.appendtsv
.. autofunction:: petl.io.csv.teetsv
.. module:: petl.io.pickle
.. autofunction:: petl.io.pickle.frompickle
.. autofunction:: petl.io.pickle.topickle
.. autofunction:: petl.io.pickle.appendpickle
.. autofunction:: petl.io.pickle.teepickle
.. module:: petl.io.text
.. autofunction:: petl.io.text.fromtext
.. autofunction:: petl.io.text.totext
.. autofunction:: petl.io.text.appendtext
.. autofunction:: petl.io.text.teetext
.. module:: petl.io.xml
.. autofunction:: petl.io.xml.fromxml
For writing to an XML file, see :func:`petl.io.text.totext`.
.. module:: petl.io.html
.. autofunction:: petl.io.html.tohtml
.. autofunction:: petl.io.html.teehtml
.. module:: petl.io.json
.. autofunction:: petl.io.json.fromjson
.. autofunction:: petl.io.json.fromdicts
.. autofunction:: petl.io.json.tojson
.. autofunction:: petl.io.json.tojsonarrays
.. module:: petl.io.db
The automatic table creation feature of :func:`petl.io.db.todb` requires SQLAlchemy to be installed, e.g.:
$ pip install sqlalchemy
.. autofunction:: petl.io.db.fromdb
.. autofunction:: petl.io.db.todb
.. autofunction:: petl.io.db.appenddb
.. module:: petl.io.xls
The following functions require xlrd and xlwt to be installed, e.g.:
$ pip install xlrd xlwt-future
.. autofunction:: petl.io.xls.fromxls
.. autofunction:: petl.io.xls.toxls
.. module:: petl.io.xlsx
.. autofunction:: petl.io.xlsx.fromxlsx
.. autofunction:: petl.io.xlsx.toxlsx
.. autofunction:: petl.io.xlsx.appendxlsx
.. module:: petl.io.numpy
.. autofunction:: petl.io.numpy.fromarray
.. autofunction:: petl.io.numpy.toarray
.. autofunction:: petl.io.numpy.torecarray
.. autofunction:: petl.io.numpy.valuestoarray
.. module:: petl.io.pandas
.. autofunction:: petl.io.pandas.fromdataframe
.. autofunction:: petl.io.pandas.todataframe
.. module:: petl.io.pytables
The following functions require PyTables to be installed, e.g.:
$ # install HDF5 $ apt-get install libhdf5-7 libhdf5-dev $ # install other prerequisites $ pip install cython $ pip install numpy $ pip install numexpr $ # install PyTables $ pip install tables
.. autofunction:: petl.io.pytables.fromhdf5
.. autofunction:: petl.io.pytables.fromhdf5sorted
.. autofunction:: petl.io.pytables.tohdf5
.. autofunction:: petl.io.pytables.appendhdf5
.. module:: petl.io.bcolz
.. autofunction:: petl.io.bcolz.frombcolz
.. autofunction:: petl.io.bcolz.tobcolz
.. autofunction:: petl.io.bcolz.appendbcolz
.. module:: petl.io.whoosh
.. autofunction:: petl.io.whoosh.fromtextindex
.. autofunction:: petl.io.whoosh.searchtextindex
.. autofunction:: petl.io.whoosh.searchtextindexpage
.. autofunction:: petl.io.whoosh.totextindex
.. autofunction:: petl.io.whoosh.appendtextindex
.. module:: petl.io.sources
The following classes are helpers for extract (from...()
) and load
) functions that use a file-like data source.
An instance of any of the following classes can be used as the source
argument to data extraction functions like :func:`petl.io.csv.fromcsv` etc.,
with the exception of :class:`petl.io.sources.StdoutSource` which is
An instance of any of the following classes can also be used as the source
argument to data loading functions like :func:`petl.io.csv.tocsv` etc., with the
exception of :class:`petl.io.sources.StdinSource`,
:class:`petl.io.sources.URLSource` and :class:`petl.io.sources.PopenSource`
which are read-only.
The behaviour of each source can usually be configured by passing arguments to the constructor, see the source code of the :mod:`petl.io.sources` module for full details.
.. autoclass:: petl.io.sources.FileSource
.. autoclass:: petl.io.sources.GzipSource
.. autoclass:: petl.io.sources.BZ2Source
.. autoclass:: petl.io.sources.ZipSource
.. autoclass:: petl.io.sources.StdinSource
.. autoclass:: petl.io.sources.StdoutSource
.. autoclass:: petl.io.sources.URLSource
.. autoclass:: petl.io.sources.MemorySource
.. autoclass:: petl.io.sources.PopenSource