(Tested with VS 2017) Ensure CMake and c/c++ support options are installed along with Visual studio.
The easyest way to proceed is to open a visual studio command prompt, and issue commands manually. Once dependencies are build and vkvg project files have been created, you may use the ide.
Install the latest vulkan sdk from lunarg.
Make sure that Git is installed on your machine by typing on the command line (cmd):
> git --version
git version 2.19.1.windows.1
Install vcpkg package manager to build required libraries:
git clone https://github.com/Microsoft/vcpkg.git
cd vcpkg
Then install the libraries required by vkvg, use the triplet corresponding with your architecture:
vcpkg install fontconfig:x64-windows freetype:x64-windows harfbuzz:x64-windows
Optionaly, install [GLFW] to build the samples:
vcpkg install glfw3:x64-windows
Add the path to the shared libraries binaries to your PATH environment variable, they are in %vcpkg-root%/installed/x64-windows/bin/.
To make those libraries available for vsstudio use the system wide integration from vcpkg.
vcpkg integrate install
Exit vcpkg directory and clone the vkvg repository and its submodule vkh:
git clone --recursive https://github.com/jpbruyere/vkvg.git
cd vkvg
#create a build directory
mkdir build
To generate the solution file (.sln) from the build directory we use cmake with the toolchain file provided by vcpkg and we also disable the lcd font filtering (FreeType is built without lcd fonts by default).
cmake .. -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=..\..\vcpkg\scripts\buildsystems\vcpkg.cmake -DVKVG_LCD_FONT_FILTER=off
To adjust later compilation options, you may recall cmake command, or use the cmake-gui command.
cmake-gui ..
Now you should have the vkvg.sln and all the projects file into your build directory. You may build the complete solution on the command line with:
msbuild vkvg.sln