go get github.com/happierall/l
import "github.com/happierall/l"
func main() {
l.Log(10 + 5)
l.Print("Without datetime and code line")
people := &People{"Name"}
l.Warn("Function is depreceted")
l.Error("User is not defined")
l.Logf("%d ms", 10)
l.Printf("Request %s ms", l.Colorize("53", l.Green))
type People struct {
Name string
var log = l.New()
log.Prefix = log.Colorize("[APP] ", l.Blue)
log.Level = l.LevelDebug // default
log.DisabledInfo = true // without date and code line
log.Debug("Message without date and line with prefix")
(without colors)
l.Default.Production = true
l.Default.Subscribe(func(text string, lvl l.Level) {
fmt.Println("New log", text, lvl.String())