Include swagger-ui as Rails engine and document your API with simple YAML files.
Swagger UI version | Rails version |
2.2.10 | >= 4.2 |
- Supports API documentation versioning / multiple APIs documentation
- Easily configurable Swagger interface and OAuth2 authorization
- Enables using Swagger interface translations
- Works with API-only applications
- Simple, clear and actively maintained 🙆♀️
Working on a Rails API, I've wanted to document my endpoints in the clearest and easiest way possible. My goal was to have the documentation separated from the actual codebase and to have a web UI version of Swagger for testing and reading it. Using Rails 5 default API, I didn't need to include Grape, so I took a look into some other existing solutions. Most of them were no longer supported (e.g. swagger_engine and swagger-ui_rails) or required adding some extra code for the actual documentation (e.g. swagger-docs). Also, none of them supported Swagger web UI configuration, so I decided to write and maintain a gem on my own that would allow others to include Swagger web UI as Rails engine and support writing simple documentation in YAML files.
Add to Gemfile
gem 'swagger_ui_engine'
And then run:
$ bundle
Add to your config/routes.rb
mount SwaggerUiEngine::Engine, at: "/api_docs"
You can place this route under admin_constraint
or other restricted path, or configure basic HTTP authentication.
authenticate :user, lambda { |u| u.admin? } do
mount SwaggerUiEngine::Engine, at: "/api_docs"
Set admin username and password in an initializer:
# config/initializers/swagger_ui_engine.rb
SwaggerUiEngine.configure do |config|
config.admin_username = ENV['ADMIN_USERNAME']
config.admin_password = ENV['ADMIN_PASSWORD']
Set the path of your json/yaml versioned documentations in an initializer:
# config/initializers/swagger_ui_engine.rb
SwaggerUiEngine.configure do |config|
config.swagger_url = {
v1: 'api/v1/swagger.yaml',
v2: 'api/v2/swagger.yaml',
and place your main documentation file under /public/api
NOTE: This is a compatibility patch for the SwaggerUiEngine
gem versions <= 0.0.5
. It's recommended to version your API documentation from the beginning.
You can define your main documentation url in a hash value (same way as in the versioned documentations) or pass single string with the url:
# config/initializers/swagger_ui_engine.rb
SwaggerUiEngine.configure do |config|
config.swagger_url = 'api/swagger.yaml'
Config Name | Swagger parameter name | Description |
config.swagger_url | url | The url pointing swagger.yaml (Swagger 2.0) as per OpenAPI Spec. Accepts a Hash, with API version names as keys and documentation URLs as values. Also accepts a String pointing to documentation for all versions. |
config.doc_expansion | docExpansion | Controls how the API listing is displayed. It can be set to 'none' (default), 'list' (shows operations for each resource), or 'full' (fully expanded: shows operations and their details). |
config.model_rendering | defaultModelRendering | Controls how models are shown when the API is first rendered. It can be set to 'model' or 'schema', and the default is 'schema'. |
config.request_headers | showRequestHeaders | Whether or not to show the headers that were sent when making a request via the 'Try it out!' option. Defaults to false . |
config.json_editor | jsonEditor | Enables a graphical view for editing complex bodies. Defaults to false . |
config.translator_enabled | translations | Enables Swagger Ui translations. Defaults to false . |
config.validator_enabled | validatorUrl | Enables documentation validator. Defaults to false (validatorUrl: 'null' ). |
You can configure OAuth2 default authorization.
Config Name | Swagger parameter name | Description |
config.oauth_client_id | client_id | Default clientId. MUST be a string |
config.oauth_client_secret | client_secret | Default clientSecret. MUST be a string |
config.oauth_realm | realm | realm query parameter (for oauth1) added to authorizationUrl and tokenUrl . MUST be a string |
config.oauth_app_name | appName | application name, displayed in authorization popup. MUST be a string |
config.oauth_scope_separator | scopeSeparator | scope separator for passing scopes, encoded before calling, default value is a space (encoded value %20 ). MUST be a string |
config.oauth_query_string_params | additionalQueryStringParams | Additional query parameters added to authorizationUrl and tokenUrl . MUST be an object |
You can use Swagger editor to write and validate your Swagger docs.
Here's an example use of SwaggerUiEngine in Rails application.
This project is available under MIT-LICENSE. ☀️