We will have a data namely “Yan” for the example of LTMG - GCR (biclustering) pipeline.
Basically, we may need the following steps for this analysis
data0 <- log(as.matrix(read.delim("Yan_expression_RPKM.txt", row.names = 1)))
Genes with non-zero expression in more than 5 samples in data0
selected.genes <- which(rowSums(data0 > 0) > 5)
print(head(selected.genes, 30))
## RPS11 ELMO2 CREB3L1 PNMA1 TMEM216 LOC653712
## 2 3 4 5 7 8
## C10orf90 ZHX3 ERCC5 APBB2 PDCL3 AEN
## 9 10 11 14 17 18
## 19 20 21 24 25 27
## 28 29 30 31 32 33
## 34 35 37 38 42 43
LTMG -> output
: number of peaks; a 3 (\times) N
, U
, S
; If Zcut
(If 0 expression is more than 5, Zcut
Iteration number, upper limit 1000)
for (gene in head(selected.genes, 3)) {
for (k in 1:5) {
print(SeparateKRpkmNew(x = data0[gene, ], n = 100, q = 0, k = k, err = 1e-10))
## p mean sd
## Late_blastocyst.3_Cell.5 1 7.74797 0.5936434
## p mean sd
## Late_blastocyst.2_Cell.7 0.5189909 7.632955 0.5688547
## X4.cell_embryo.1_Cell.4 0.4810091 7.872066 0.5948461
## p mean sd
## X2.cell_embryo.1_Cell.2 0.1210234 7.083230 0.1913294
## Late_blastocyst.3_Cell.5 0.7937210 7.768004 0.5549263
## X4.cell_embryo.3_Cell.2 0.0852556 8.505077 0.1026225
## p mean sd
## Late_blastocyst.2_Cell.4 0.006933978 7.788798 0.36486339
## Morulae.1_Cell.8 0.448993364 7.267528 0.35678557
## Morulae.2_Cell.3 0.480661380 8.095959 0.44529688
## X4.cell_embryo.3_Cell.1 0.063411278 8.507573 0.09591338
## p mean sd
## Oocyte.1 0.005328433 7.727174 0.3884293
## Late_blastocyst.2_Cell.7 0.356379577 7.199494 0.3289284
## Late_blastocyst.3_Cell.5 0.309216553 7.755904 0.3974516
## X4.cell_embryo.1_Cell.4 0.322192465 8.343583 0.3577630
## X8.cell_embryo.1_Cell.1 0.006882971 7.925339 0.4211202
## p mean sd
## X8.cell_embryo.3_Cell.1 1 1.558705 2.07965
## p mean sd
## X8.cell_embryo.2_Cell.4 0.3138683 -2.385534 2.460532
## X8.cell_embryo.1_Cell.1 0.6861317 2.645441 1.280540
## p mean sd
## Late_blastocyst.2_Cell.1 0.2726636 -2.943190 1.0155455
## X8.cell_embryo.3_Cell.1 0.4874510 1.851239 0.8095599
## X4.cell_embryo.1_Cell.2 0.2398854 4.123094 0.1710736
## p mean sd
## X8.cell_embryo.2_Cell.6 0.2722165 -2.584755 0.8242646
## X8.cell_embryo.2_Cell.7 0.2930781 1.687644 0.7978886
## X8.cell_embryo.2_Cell.3 0.1945976 2.090904 0.7665579
## X2.cell_embryo.3_Cell.1 0.2401079 4.123058 0.1711315
## p mean sd
## Morulae.1_Cell.2 0.27343650 -2.346844 0.7156853
## X8.cell_embryo.2_Cell.4 0.22096460 1.561465 0.7070268
## X8.cell_embryo.3_Cell.1 0.16654932 1.775654 0.7409112
## X8.cell_embryo.1_Cell.1 0.09679837 2.609410 0.5179847
## X4.cell_embryo.2_Cell.4 0.24225121 4.122422 0.1716394
## p mean sd
## Late_blastocyst.2_Cell.3 1 -0.9535114 1.562651
## p mean sd
## Zygote.1 0.8524664 -1.4311960 1.4985531
## X8.cell_embryo.1_Cell.2 0.1475336 0.9262817 0.9096018
## p mean sd
## X4.cell_embryo.2_Cell.3 0.70557942 -1.2865546 0.4785381776
## Late_blastocyst.2_Cell.3 0.27219997 0.7239671 0.5938110246
## X4.cell_embryo.3_Cell.3 0.02222061 2.7078834 0.0005667612
## p mean sd
## Zygote.2 0.72496505 -1.2936882 0.4602185469
## X2.cell_embryo.2_Cell.1 0.11346035 0.4516975 0.2993225110
## X8.cell_embryo.1_Cell.4 0.13935362 1.0987104 0.4882202184
## X4.cell_embryo.1_Cell.2 0.02222099 2.7078834 0.0005667612
## p mean sd
## Zygote.2 0.69349422 -1.3076762 0.4388586900
## Zygote.1 0.06286983 0.1033333 0.7265148824
## Late_blastocyst.2_Cell.3 0.08060027 0.4484580 0.3466538911
## X8.cell_embryo.1_Cell.2 0.14081500 1.0348833 0.5179808674
## X4.cell_embryo.3_Cell.4 0.02222069 2.7078834 0.0005667612
BIC_f_zcut <- function(y, rrr, Zcut) {
n <- length(y)
nparams <- nrow(rrr) * 3
w <- rrr[, 1]
u <- rrr[, 2]
sig <- rrr[, 3]
cc <- c()
y0 <- y[which(y >= Zcut)]
y1 <- y[which(y < Zcut)]
y1 <- y1 * 0 + Zcut
for (i in 1:nrow(rrr)) {
c0 <- dnorm(y0, u[i], sig[i]) * w[i]
c1 <- (1 - pnorm(y1, u[i], sig[i])) * w[i]
c <- c(c0, c1)
cc <- rbind(cc, c)
d <- apply(cc, 2, sum)
e <- sum(log(d))
f <- e * 2 - nparams * log(n)
return (f)
BIC_f_zcut2 <- function(y, rrr, Zcut) {
n <- length(y)
nparams <- nrow(rrr) * 3
w <- rrr[, 1]
u <- rrr[, 2]
sig <- rrr[, 3]
y0 <- y[which(y >= Zcut)]
cc <- c()
for (i in 1:nrow(rrr)) {
c <- dnorm(y0, u[i], sig[i]) * w[i]
cc <- rbind(cc, c)
d <- apply(cc, 2, sum)
e <- sum(log(d))
f <- e * 2 - nparams * log(n)
return (f)
We can now get f
value using BIC_f_zcut2()
for (k in 1:5) {
rrr <- SeparateKRpkmNew(x = data0[selected.genes[1], ], n = 100, q = 0, k = k, err = 1e-10)
print(BIC_f_zcut2(y = data0[selected.genes[1], ], rrr, 0))
## [1] -175.0426
## [1] -188.4811
## [1] -195.0944
## [1] -208.8539
## [1] -223.8346
We are only print while k > 1
GetBestK <- function(x, n, q, err = 1e-10){
best.bic <- -Inf
best.k <- 0
best.result <- c(0, 0, 0)
for (k in 1:7) {
rrr <- SeparateKRpkmNew(x = x, n = n, q = q, k = k, err = err)
bic <- BIC_f_zcut2(y = x, rrr, q)
if(is.nan(bic)) {
bic <- -Inf
if (bic >= best.bic) {
best.bic <- bic
best.k <- k
best.result <- rrr
} else {
return(list(k = best.k, bic = best.bic, result = best.result))
return(list(k = 0, bic = 0, result = c(0, 0, 0)))
for (gene in head(selected.genes, 30)) {
best <- GetBestK(x = data0[gene, ], n = 100, q = 0, err = 1e-10)
if (best[1] > 1) {
## [1] 10
## [1] 11
## [1] 14
## [1] 17
## [1] 29
## [1] 35
This is the 10th one:
best <- GetBestK(x = data0[10, ], n = 100, q = 0, err = 1e-10)
## $k
## [1] 2
## $bic
## [1] -213.088
## $result
## p mean sd
## X8.cell_embryo.3_Cell.5 0.7180743 -0.4877287 1.572815
## Zygote.1 0.2819257 3.5271235 0.333060
hist(data0[10,], breaks = 60)
We have the following functions ready for this step:
, andBuild_R_matrix
calculate_prob_sep_Zcut <- function(data1, Zcut, a, u, sig) {
cc <- matrix(0, length(a), length(data1))
colnames(cc) <- names(data1)
for (i in 1:length(a)) {
c <- a[i] / sig[i] * exp(-(data1 - u[i]) ^ 2 / (2 * sig[i] ^ 2))
cc[i, ] <- c
cut_p <- rep(0, length(a))
for (i in 1:length(a)) {
cut_p[i] <- a[i] * pnorm(Zcut, u[i], sig[i])
for (i in 1:ncol(cc)) {
if (data1[i] < Zcut) {
cc[, i] <- cut_p
cc[which(is.na(cc) == 1)] <- 0
discretization_method_1_LLR_mean <- function(y, aaa, ccc, LLR_cut = 2) {
K <- 1 / LLR_cut + 1
if (nrow(aaa) == 1) {
print("Only one class")
} else {
discretized_y <- rep(0, length(y))
for (i in 1:ncol(ccc)) {
ll <- which(ccc[, i] == max(ccc[, i]))[1]
if ((max(ccc[, i])/sum(ccc[, i])) > (1/K)) {
discretized_y[i] <- ll
blocks <- c()
st_c <- 1
end_c <- 1
st_c_v <- y[order(y)[1]]
end_c_v <- y[order(y)[1]]
label_c <- discretized_y[order(y)[1]]
for (i in 2:length(order(y))) {
if (discretized_y[order(y)[i]] == discretized_y[order(y)[i - 1]]) {
end_c <- i
end_c_v <- y[order(y)[i]]
if (i == length(order(y))) {
end_c <- i
end_c_v <- y[order(y)[i]]
blocks <- rbind(blocks, c(st_c, end_c, st_c_v, end_c_v, label_c))
} else {
blocks <- rbind(blocks, c(st_c, end_c, st_c_v, end_c_v,
label_c <- discretized_y[order(y)[i]]
st_c <- i
end_c <- i
st_c_v <- y[order(y)[i]]
end_c_v <- y[order(y)[i]]
if (i == length(order(y))) {
end_c <- i
end_c_v <- y[order(y)[i]]
blocks <- rbind(blocks, c(st_c, end_c, st_c_v, end_c_v, label_c))
if (nrow(blocks) > 1) {
for (i in 1:nrow(blocks)) {
if (blocks[i, 5] != 0) {
tg_i <- blocks[i, 5]
if (!((blocks[i, 3] <= aaa[tg_i, 2]) & (blocks[i, 4] >= aaa[tg_i, 2]))) {
blocks[i, 5] <- 0
for (i in 1:nrow(blocks)) {
discretized_y[order(y)[blocks[i, 1]:blocks[i, 2]]] <- blocks[i, 5]
Build_R_matrix <- function(cc, Zcut0, U, Gname) {
tg_s <- intersect(which(U > Zcut0), unique(cc))
dd <- c()
nc <- c()
if (length(tg_s) > 0) {
for (i in 1:length(tg_s)) {
nc <- c(nc, paste(Gname, tg_s[i], sep = "__"))
ccc <- (cc == tg_s[i]) * 1
dd <- rbind(dd, ccc)
rownames(dd) <- nc
is a K
(\times) 3 matrix with 1st, 2nd and 3rd columns
are the A
, U
, S
of the gene x
is the normalized expression level
i <- 4
x <- data0[i, ]
Zcut0 <- 0
best <- GetBestK(x = x, n = 1000, q = Zcut0, err = 1e-10)
pp <- calculate_prob_sep_Zcut(x, Zcut0, best$result[, 1], best$result[, 2], best$result[, 3])
cc <- discretization_method_1_LLR_mean(x, best$result, pp, LLR_cut = 0.1)
## [1] "Only one class"
dd <- Build_R_matrix(cc, Zcut0, best$result[, 2], rownames(data0)[i])
## Oocyte.1 Oocyte.2
## 0.0000000 0.3534698
## Oocyte.3 Zygote.1
## 0.6657760 0.5905606
## Zygote.2 Zygote.3
## 0.3611648 -0.3133418
## X2.cell_embryo.1_Cell.1 X2.cell_embryo.1_Cell.2
## 0.4643627 0.2342813
## X2.cell_embryo.2_Cell.1 X2.cell_embryo.2_Cell.2
## 0.6339278 0.3708737
## X2.cell_embryo.3_Cell.1 X2.cell_embryo.3_Cell.2
## -0.3523984 -0.7052198
## X4.cell_embryo.1_Cell.1 X4.cell_embryo.1_Cell.2
## -Inf 1.5526559
## X4.cell_embryo.1_Cell.3 X4.cell_embryo.1_Cell.4
## -Inf -Inf
## X4.cell_embryo.2_Cell.1 X4.cell_embryo.2_Cell.2
## -1.3586792 -0.2943711
## X4.cell_embryo.2_Cell.3 X4.cell_embryo.2_Cell.4
## 0.4491630 1.0217312
## X4.cell_embryo.3_Cell.1 X4.cell_embryo.3_Cell.2
## 1.1177611 0.9250522
## X4.cell_embryo.3_Cell.3 X4.cell_embryo.3_Cell.4
## 1.4548872 1.6122340
## X8.cell_embryo.1_Cell.1 X8.cell_embryo.1_Cell.2
## -0.7635696 1.0328285
## X8.cell_embryo.1_Cell.3 X8.cell_embryo.1_Cell.4
## 0.6559644 0.9266370
## X8.cell_embryo.2_Cell.1 X8.cell_embryo.2_Cell.2
## -Inf -Inf
## X8.cell_embryo.2_Cell.3 X8.cell_embryo.2_Cell.4
## -Inf -Inf
## X8.cell_embryo.2_Cell.5 X8.cell_embryo.2_Cell.6
## -Inf -Inf
## X8.cell_embryo.2_Cell.7 X8.cell_embryo.2_Cell.8
## -Inf -Inf
## X8.cell_embryo.3_Cell.1 X8.cell_embryo.3_Cell.2
## -Inf -Inf
## X8.cell_embryo.3_Cell.3 X8.cell_embryo.3_Cell.4
## -Inf -Inf
## X8.cell_embryo.3_Cell.5 X8.cell_embryo.3_Cell.6
## -Inf -Inf
## X8.cell_embryo.3_Cell.7 X8.cell_embryo.3_Cell.8
## -Inf 1.7516317
## Morulae.1_Cell.1 Morulae.1_Cell.2
## -Inf -Inf
## Morulae.1_Cell.3 Morulae.1_Cell.4
## -Inf -0.2930297
## Morulae.1_Cell.5 Morulae.1_Cell.6
## -Inf -Inf
## Morulae.1_Cell.7 Morulae.1_Cell.8
## -Inf -Inf
## Morulae.2_Cell.1 Morulae.2_Cell.2
## -Inf -Inf
## Morulae.2_Cell.3 Morulae.2_Cell.4
## -Inf -Inf
## Morulae.2_Cell.5 Morulae.2_Cell.6
## -Inf -0.9702191
## Morulae.2_Cell.7 Morulae.2_Cell.8
## -0.9597203 -Inf
## Late_blastocyst.1_Cell.1 Late_blastocyst.1_Cell.2
## -Inf -Inf
## Late_blastocyst.1_Cell.3 Late_blastocyst.1_Cell.4
## -Inf -Inf
## Late_blastocyst.1_Cell.5 Late_blastocyst.1_Cell.6
## -Inf -Inf
## Late_blastocyst.1_Cell.7 Late_blastocyst.1_Cell.8
## -Inf -Inf
## Late_blastocyst.1_Cell.9 Late_blastocyst.1_Cell.10
## -Inf -Inf
## Late_blastocyst.1_Cell.11 Late_blastocyst.1_Cell.12
## -Inf -Inf
## Late_blastocyst.2_Cell.1 Late_blastocyst.2_Cell.2
## -0.3495575 1.6981811
## Late_blastocyst.2_Cell.3 Late_blastocyst.2_Cell.4
## 0.6714127 -Inf
## Late_blastocyst.2_Cell.5 Late_blastocyst.2_Cell.6
## -Inf -Inf
## Late_blastocyst.2_Cell.7 Late_blastocyst.2_Cell.8
## -Inf -Inf
## Late_blastocyst.2_Cell.9 Late_blastocyst.2_Cell.10
## -Inf -Inf
## Late_blastocyst.3_Cell.1 Late_blastocyst.3_Cell.2
## -Inf -Inf
## Late_blastocyst.3_Cell.3 Late_blastocyst.3_Cell.4
## -Inf -Inf
## Late_blastocyst.3_Cell.5 Late_blastocyst.3_Cell.6
## 2.7084501 -Inf
## Late_blastocyst.3_Cell.7 Late_blastocyst.3_Cell.8
## -Inf 2.7073166
## Oocyte.1 Oocyte.2 Oocyte.3 Zygote.1 Zygote.2
## [1,] 0.5312359 0.4510596 0.3740803 0.3927565 0.4492002
## Zygote.3 X2.cell_embryo.1_Cell.1
## [1,] 0.7291316 0.4239975
## X2.cell_embryo.1_Cell.2 X2.cell_embryo.2_Cell.1
## [1,] 0.4793757 0.3819854
## X2.cell_embryo.2_Cell.2 X2.cell_embryo.3_Cell.1
## [1,] 0.4468497 0.7291316
## X2.cell_embryo.3_Cell.2 X4.cell_embryo.1_Cell.1
## [1,] 0.7291316 0.7291316
## X4.cell_embryo.1_Cell.2 X4.cell_embryo.1_Cell.3
## [1,] 0.176849 0.7291316
## X4.cell_embryo.1_Cell.4 X4.cell_embryo.2_Cell.1
## [1,] 0.7291316 0.7291316
## X4.cell_embryo.2_Cell.2 X4.cell_embryo.2_Cell.3
## [1,] 0.7291316 0.4277359
## X4.cell_embryo.2_Cell.4 X4.cell_embryo.3_Cell.1
## [1,] 0.287862 0.2658452
## X4.cell_embryo.3_Cell.2 X4.cell_embryo.3_Cell.3
## [1,] 0.3106824 0.1951331
## X4.cell_embryo.3_Cell.4 X8.cell_embryo.1_Cell.1
## [1,] 0.1662384 0.7291316
## X8.cell_embryo.1_Cell.2 X8.cell_embryo.1_Cell.3
## [1,] 0.2852823 0.3765147
## X8.cell_embryo.1_Cell.4 X8.cell_embryo.2_Cell.1
## [1,] 0.3103037 0.7291316
## X8.cell_embryo.2_Cell.2 X8.cell_embryo.2_Cell.3
## [1,] 0.7291316 0.7291316
## X8.cell_embryo.2_Cell.4 X8.cell_embryo.2_Cell.5
## [1,] 0.7291316 0.7291316
## X8.cell_embryo.2_Cell.6 X8.cell_embryo.2_Cell.7
## [1,] 0.7291316 0.7291316
## X8.cell_embryo.2_Cell.8 X8.cell_embryo.3_Cell.1
## [1,] 0.7291316 0.7291316
## X8.cell_embryo.3_Cell.2 X8.cell_embryo.3_Cell.3
## [1,] 0.7291316 0.7291316
## X8.cell_embryo.3_Cell.4 X8.cell_embryo.3_Cell.5
## [1,] 0.7291316 0.7291316
## X8.cell_embryo.3_Cell.6 X8.cell_embryo.3_Cell.7
## [1,] 0.7291316 0.7291316
## X8.cell_embryo.3_Cell.8 Morulae.1_Cell.1
## [1,] 0.1430187 0.7291316
## Morulae.1_Cell.2 Morulae.1_Cell.3 Morulae.1_Cell.4
## [1,] 0.7291316 0.7291316 0.7291316
## Morulae.1_Cell.5 Morulae.1_Cell.6 Morulae.1_Cell.7
## [1,] 0.7291316 0.7291316 0.7291316
## Morulae.1_Cell.8 Morulae.2_Cell.1 Morulae.2_Cell.2
## [1,] 0.7291316 0.7291316 0.7291316
## Morulae.2_Cell.3 Morulae.2_Cell.4 Morulae.2_Cell.5
## [1,] 0.7291316 0.7291316 0.7291316
## Morulae.2_Cell.6 Morulae.2_Cell.7 Morulae.2_Cell.8
## [1,] 0.7291316 0.7291316 0.7291316
## Late_blastocyst.1_Cell.1 Late_blastocyst.1_Cell.2
## [1,] 0.7291316 0.7291316
## Late_blastocyst.1_Cell.3 Late_blastocyst.1_Cell.4
## [1,] 0.7291316 0.7291316
## Late_blastocyst.1_Cell.5 Late_blastocyst.1_Cell.6
## [1,] 0.7291316 0.7291316
## Late_blastocyst.1_Cell.7 Late_blastocyst.1_Cell.8
## [1,] 0.7291316 0.7291316
## Late_blastocyst.1_Cell.9 Late_blastocyst.1_Cell.10
## [1,] 0.7291316 0.7291316
## Late_blastocyst.1_Cell.11 Late_blastocyst.1_Cell.12
## [1,] 0.7291316 0.7291316
## Late_blastocyst.2_Cell.1 Late_blastocyst.2_Cell.2
## [1,] 0.7291316 0.1516543
## Late_blastocyst.2_Cell.3 Late_blastocyst.2_Cell.4
## [1,] 0.3726822 0.7291316
## Late_blastocyst.2_Cell.5 Late_blastocyst.2_Cell.6
## [1,] 0.7291316 0.7291316
## Late_blastocyst.2_Cell.7 Late_blastocyst.2_Cell.8
## [1,] 0.7291316 0.7291316
## Late_blastocyst.2_Cell.9 Late_blastocyst.2_Cell.10
## [1,] 0.7291316 0.7291316
## Late_blastocyst.3_Cell.1 Late_blastocyst.3_Cell.2
## [1,] 0.7291316 0.7291316
## Late_blastocyst.3_Cell.3 Late_blastocyst.3_Cell.4
## [1,] 0.7291316 0.7291316
## Late_blastocyst.3_Cell.5 Late_blastocyst.3_Cell.6
## [1,] 0.04108083 0.7291316
## Late_blastocyst.3_Cell.7 Late_blastocyst.3_Cell.8
## [1,] 0.7291316 0.04115071
## Oocyte.1 Oocyte.2
## 0.0000000 0.3534698
## Oocyte.3 Zygote.1
## 0.6657760 0.5905606
## Zygote.2 Zygote.3
## 0.3611648 -0.3133418
## X2.cell_embryo.1_Cell.1 X2.cell_embryo.1_Cell.2
## 0.4643627 0.2342813
## X2.cell_embryo.2_Cell.1 X2.cell_embryo.2_Cell.2
## 0.6339278 0.3708737
## X2.cell_embryo.3_Cell.1 X2.cell_embryo.3_Cell.2
## -0.3523984 -0.7052198
## X4.cell_embryo.1_Cell.1 X4.cell_embryo.1_Cell.2
## -Inf 1.5526559
## X4.cell_embryo.1_Cell.3 X4.cell_embryo.1_Cell.4
## -Inf -Inf
## X4.cell_embryo.2_Cell.1 X4.cell_embryo.2_Cell.2
## -1.3586792 -0.2943711
## X4.cell_embryo.2_Cell.3 X4.cell_embryo.2_Cell.4
## 0.4491630 1.0217312
## X4.cell_embryo.3_Cell.1 X4.cell_embryo.3_Cell.2
## 1.1177611 0.9250522
## X4.cell_embryo.3_Cell.3 X4.cell_embryo.3_Cell.4
## 1.4548872 1.6122340
## X8.cell_embryo.1_Cell.1 X8.cell_embryo.1_Cell.2
## -0.7635696 1.0328285
## X8.cell_embryo.1_Cell.3 X8.cell_embryo.1_Cell.4
## 0.6559644 0.9266370
## X8.cell_embryo.2_Cell.1 X8.cell_embryo.2_Cell.2
## -Inf -Inf
## X8.cell_embryo.2_Cell.3 X8.cell_embryo.2_Cell.4
## -Inf -Inf
## X8.cell_embryo.2_Cell.5 X8.cell_embryo.2_Cell.6
## -Inf -Inf
## X8.cell_embryo.2_Cell.7 X8.cell_embryo.2_Cell.8
## -Inf -Inf
## X8.cell_embryo.3_Cell.1 X8.cell_embryo.3_Cell.2
## -Inf -Inf
## X8.cell_embryo.3_Cell.3 X8.cell_embryo.3_Cell.4
## -Inf -Inf
## X8.cell_embryo.3_Cell.5 X8.cell_embryo.3_Cell.6
## -Inf -Inf
## X8.cell_embryo.3_Cell.7 X8.cell_embryo.3_Cell.8
## -Inf 1.7516317
## Morulae.1_Cell.1 Morulae.1_Cell.2
## -Inf -Inf
## Morulae.1_Cell.3 Morulae.1_Cell.4
## -Inf -0.2930297
## Morulae.1_Cell.5 Morulae.1_Cell.6
## -Inf -Inf
## Morulae.1_Cell.7 Morulae.1_Cell.8
## -Inf -Inf
## Morulae.2_Cell.1 Morulae.2_Cell.2
## -Inf -Inf
## Morulae.2_Cell.3 Morulae.2_Cell.4
## -Inf -Inf
## Morulae.2_Cell.5 Morulae.2_Cell.6
## -Inf -0.9702191
## Morulae.2_Cell.7 Morulae.2_Cell.8
## -0.9597203 -Inf
## Late_blastocyst.1_Cell.1 Late_blastocyst.1_Cell.2
## -Inf -Inf
## Late_blastocyst.1_Cell.3 Late_blastocyst.1_Cell.4
## -Inf -Inf
## Late_blastocyst.1_Cell.5 Late_blastocyst.1_Cell.6
## -Inf -Inf
## Late_blastocyst.1_Cell.7 Late_blastocyst.1_Cell.8
## -Inf -Inf
## Late_blastocyst.1_Cell.9 Late_blastocyst.1_Cell.10
## -Inf -Inf
## Late_blastocyst.1_Cell.11 Late_blastocyst.1_Cell.12
## -Inf -Inf
## Late_blastocyst.2_Cell.1 Late_blastocyst.2_Cell.2
## -0.3495575 1.6981811
## Late_blastocyst.2_Cell.3 Late_blastocyst.2_Cell.4
## 0.6714127 -Inf
## Late_blastocyst.2_Cell.5 Late_blastocyst.2_Cell.6
## -Inf -Inf
## Late_blastocyst.2_Cell.7 Late_blastocyst.2_Cell.8
## -Inf -Inf
## Late_blastocyst.2_Cell.9 Late_blastocyst.2_Cell.10
## -Inf -Inf
## Late_blastocyst.3_Cell.1 Late_blastocyst.3_Cell.2
## -Inf -Inf
## Late_blastocyst.3_Cell.3 Late_blastocyst.3_Cell.4
## -Inf -Inf
## Late_blastocyst.3_Cell.5 Late_blastocyst.3_Cell.6
## 2.7084501 -Inf
## Late_blastocyst.3_Cell.7 Late_blastocyst.3_Cell.8
## -Inf 2.7073166
i <- 5
x <- data0[i, ]
Zcut0 <- 0
best <- GetBestK(x = x, n = 1000, q = Zcut0, err = 1e-10)
pp <- calculate_prob_sep_Zcut(x, Zcut0, best$result[, 1], best$result[, 2], best$result[, 3])
cc <- discretization_method_1_LLR_mean(x, best$result, pp, LLR_cut = 0.1)
## [1] "Only one class"
dd <- Build_R_matrix(cc, Zcut0, best$result[, 2], rownames(data0)[i])
## Oocyte.1 Oocyte.2
## -0.3871342 0.2949059
## Oocyte.3 Zygote.1
## 0.7537718 1.7446679
## Zygote.2 Zygote.3
## 1.5871923 1.7313015
## X2.cell_embryo.1_Cell.1 X2.cell_embryo.1_Cell.2
## 1.4611699 1.4011830
## X2.cell_embryo.2_Cell.1 X2.cell_embryo.2_Cell.2
## 1.4731599 1.5475625
## X2.cell_embryo.3_Cell.1 X2.cell_embryo.3_Cell.2
## 1.0501221 0.8742180
## X4.cell_embryo.1_Cell.1 X4.cell_embryo.1_Cell.2
## 1.4060970 -1.8325815
## X4.cell_embryo.1_Cell.3 X4.cell_embryo.1_Cell.4
## 0.1856493 -Inf
## X4.cell_embryo.2_Cell.1 X4.cell_embryo.2_Cell.2
## 1.1413524 -Inf
## X4.cell_embryo.2_Cell.3 X4.cell_embryo.2_Cell.4
## 2.3799164 -0.9288695
## X4.cell_embryo.3_Cell.1 X4.cell_embryo.3_Cell.2
## 1.5411591 1.7523254
## X4.cell_embryo.3_Cell.3 X4.cell_embryo.3_Cell.4
## 1.5091755 1.7288197
## X8.cell_embryo.1_Cell.1 X8.cell_embryo.1_Cell.2
## 3.5036336 3.6047095
## X8.cell_embryo.1_Cell.3 X8.cell_embryo.1_Cell.4
## 2.8523237 3.7815954
## X8.cell_embryo.2_Cell.1 X8.cell_embryo.2_Cell.2
## 2.7822296 1.7838953
## X8.cell_embryo.2_Cell.3 X8.cell_embryo.2_Cell.4
## 2.0550208 3.6057967
## X8.cell_embryo.2_Cell.5 X8.cell_embryo.2_Cell.6
## 2.8845213 2.2490788
## X8.cell_embryo.2_Cell.7 X8.cell_embryo.2_Cell.8
## 2.2758304 2.9764475
## X8.cell_embryo.3_Cell.1 X8.cell_embryo.3_Cell.2
## 3.2518463 3.4940196
## X8.cell_embryo.3_Cell.3 X8.cell_embryo.3_Cell.4
## 4.0421210 3.8096580
## X8.cell_embryo.3_Cell.5 X8.cell_embryo.3_Cell.6
## 3.6084554 2.3880286
## X8.cell_embryo.3_Cell.7 X8.cell_embryo.3_Cell.8
## 2.9516759 4.0716217
## Morulae.1_Cell.1 Morulae.1_Cell.2
## 3.9599366 3.4106195
## Morulae.1_Cell.3 Morulae.1_Cell.4
## -0.1086994 3.2040464
## Morulae.1_Cell.5 Morulae.1_Cell.6
## 3.0037004 4.1114475
## Morulae.1_Cell.7 Morulae.1_Cell.8
## 3.7993021 -0.8141855
## Morulae.2_Cell.1 Morulae.2_Cell.2
## 3.0061775 4.1204670
## Morulae.2_Cell.3 Morulae.2_Cell.4
## 3.9427656 3.4452781
## Morulae.2_Cell.5 Morulae.2_Cell.6
## 3.0906333 3.1098642
## Morulae.2_Cell.7 Morulae.2_Cell.8
## 3.8282935 4.1413236
## Late_blastocyst.1_Cell.1 Late_blastocyst.1_Cell.2
## 0.3133498 2.3487050
## Late_blastocyst.1_Cell.3 Late_blastocyst.1_Cell.4
## 3.4520489 2.5867861
## Late_blastocyst.1_Cell.5 Late_blastocyst.1_Cell.6
## 4.2983325 3.2938349
## Late_blastocyst.1_Cell.7 Late_blastocyst.1_Cell.8
## 2.2683042 1.4092782
## Late_blastocyst.1_Cell.9 Late_blastocyst.1_Cell.10
## -Inf 3.0728322
## Late_blastocyst.1_Cell.11 Late_blastocyst.1_Cell.12
## 1.8878269 2.3270826
## Late_blastocyst.2_Cell.1 Late_blastocyst.2_Cell.2
## 2.2086040 2.9670756
## Late_blastocyst.2_Cell.3 Late_blastocyst.2_Cell.4
## 3.2008340 -0.3768777
## Late_blastocyst.2_Cell.5 Late_blastocyst.2_Cell.6
## -0.2256467 2.8136107
## Late_blastocyst.2_Cell.7 Late_blastocyst.2_Cell.8
## -0.8462984 2.6758713
## Late_blastocyst.2_Cell.9 Late_blastocyst.2_Cell.10
## 1.4768204 2.1813210
## Late_blastocyst.3_Cell.1 Late_blastocyst.3_Cell.2
## 2.0725428 1.3790180
## Late_blastocyst.3_Cell.3 Late_blastocyst.3_Cell.4
## 2.3051817 2.4216118
## Late_blastocyst.3_Cell.5 Late_blastocyst.3_Cell.6
## 3.4375293 -1.9661129
## Late_blastocyst.3_Cell.7 Late_blastocyst.3_Cell.8
## -0.9314044 1.9226415
## Oocyte.1 Oocyte.2 Oocyte.3 Zygote.1 Zygote.2
## [1,] 0.08272947 0.3284781 0.4512065 0.650595 0.6320212
## Zygote.3 X2.cell_embryo.1_Cell.1
## [1,] 0.6492757 0.6126515
## X2.cell_embryo.1_Cell.2 X2.cell_embryo.2_Cell.1
## [1,] 0.6021446 0.6146554
## X2.cell_embryo.2_Cell.2 X2.cell_embryo.3_Cell.1
## [1,] 0.6263418 0.5269793
## X2.cell_embryo.3_Cell.2 X4.cell_embryo.1_Cell.1
## [1,] 0.4828621 0.6030348
## X4.cell_embryo.1_Cell.2 X4.cell_embryo.1_Cell.3
## [1,] 0.08272947 0.3003883
## X4.cell_embryo.1_Cell.4 X4.cell_embryo.2_Cell.1
## [1,] 0.08272947 0.5484437
## X4.cell_embryo.2_Cell.2 X4.cell_embryo.2_Cell.3
## [1,] 0.08272947 0.6537385
## X4.cell_embryo.2_Cell.4 X4.cell_embryo.3_Cell.1
## [1,] 0.08272947 0.6253879
## X4.cell_embryo.3_Cell.2 X4.cell_embryo.3_Cell.3
## [1,] 0.6513288 0.6204757
## X4.cell_embryo.3_Cell.4 X8.cell_embryo.1_Cell.1
## [1,] 0.6490253 0.4247675
## X8.cell_embryo.1_Cell.2 X8.cell_embryo.1_Cell.3
## [1,] 0.3975103 0.5839943
## X8.cell_embryo.1_Cell.4 X8.cell_embryo.2_Cell.1
## [1,] 0.3501002 0.5975892
## X8.cell_embryo.2_Cell.2 X8.cell_embryo.2_Cell.3
## [1,] 0.6541823 0.6669216
## X8.cell_embryo.2_Cell.4 X8.cell_embryo.2_Cell.5
## [1,] 0.397217 0.5774304
## X8.cell_embryo.2_Cell.6 X8.cell_embryo.2_Cell.7
## [1,] 0.6627484 0.6613057
## X8.cell_embryo.2_Cell.8 X8.cell_embryo.3_Cell.1
## [1,] 0.5576759 0.4912675
## X8.cell_embryo.3_Cell.2 X8.cell_embryo.3_Cell.3
## [1,] 0.4273543 0.2831046
## X8.cell_embryo.3_Cell.4 X8.cell_embryo.3_Cell.5
## [1,] 0.3426781 0.3964998
## X8.cell_embryo.3_Cell.6 X8.cell_embryo.3_Cell.7
## [1,] 0.6530201 0.56314
## X8.cell_embryo.3_Cell.8 Morulae.1_Cell.1
## [1,] 0.2758512 0.3037122
## Morulae.1_Cell.2 Morulae.1_Cell.3 Morulae.1_Cell.4
## [1,] 0.4496895 0.08272947 0.5034151
## Morulae.1_Cell.5 Morulae.1_Cell.6 Morulae.1_Cell.7
## [1,] 0.5515517 0.2661895 0.3454127
## Morulae.1_Cell.8 Morulae.2_Cell.1 Morulae.2_Cell.2
## [1,] 0.08272947 0.5509893 0.2640229
## Morulae.2_Cell.3 Morulae.2_Cell.4 Morulae.2_Cell.5
## [1,] 0.3080868 0.4404348 0.5312876
## Morulae.2_Cell.6 Morulae.2_Cell.7 Morulae.2_Cell.8
## [1,] 0.5266672 0.3377711 0.2590444
## Late_blastocyst.1_Cell.1 Late_blastocyst.1_Cell.2
## [1,] 0.333298 0.6563305
## Late_blastocyst.1_Cell.3 Late_blastocyst.1_Cell.4
## [1,] 0.4386218 0.6298768
## Late_blastocyst.1_Cell.5 Late_blastocyst.1_Cell.6
## [1,] 0.2230686 0.4804357
## Late_blastocyst.1_Cell.7 Late_blastocyst.1_Cell.8
## [1,] 0.6617326 0.6036083
## Late_blastocyst.1_Cell.9 Late_blastocyst.1_Cell.10
## [1,] 0.08272947 0.5355221
## Late_blastocyst.1_Cell.11 Late_blastocyst.1_Cell.12
## [1,] 0.6615891 0.6579649
## Late_blastocyst.2_Cell.1 Late_blastocyst.2_Cell.2
## [1,] 0.664535 0.5597549
## Late_blastocyst.2_Cell.3 Late_blastocyst.2_Cell.4
## [1,] 0.5042238 0.08272947
## Late_blastocyst.2_Cell.5 Late_blastocyst.2_Cell.6
## [1,] 0.08272947 0.5916239
## Late_blastocyst.2_Cell.7 Late_blastocyst.2_Cell.8
## [1,] 0.08272947 0.6162464
## Late_blastocyst.2_Cell.9 Late_blastocyst.2_Cell.10
## [1,] 0.6152607 0.6654682
## Late_blastocyst.3_Cell.1 Late_blastocyst.3_Cell.2
## [1,] 0.6670025 0.5980658
## Late_blastocyst.3_Cell.3 Late_blastocyst.3_Cell.4
## [1,] 0.6594847 0.6498522
## Late_blastocyst.3_Cell.5 Late_blastocyst.3_Cell.6
## [1,] 0.4425078 0.08272947
## Late_blastocyst.3_Cell.7 Late_blastocyst.3_Cell.8
## [1,] 0.08272947 0.6633757
## Oocyte.1 Oocyte.2
## -0.3871342 0.2949059
## Oocyte.3 Zygote.1
## 0.7537718 1.7446679
## Zygote.2 Zygote.3
## 1.5871923 1.7313015
## X2.cell_embryo.1_Cell.1 X2.cell_embryo.1_Cell.2
## 1.4611699 1.4011830
## X2.cell_embryo.2_Cell.1 X2.cell_embryo.2_Cell.2
## 1.4731599 1.5475625
## X2.cell_embryo.3_Cell.1 X2.cell_embryo.3_Cell.2
## 1.0501221 0.8742180
## X4.cell_embryo.1_Cell.1 X4.cell_embryo.1_Cell.2
## 1.4060970 -1.8325815
## X4.cell_embryo.1_Cell.3 X4.cell_embryo.1_Cell.4
## 0.1856493 -Inf
## X4.cell_embryo.2_Cell.1 X4.cell_embryo.2_Cell.2
## 1.1413524 -Inf
## X4.cell_embryo.2_Cell.3 X4.cell_embryo.2_Cell.4
## 2.3799164 -0.9288695
## X4.cell_embryo.3_Cell.1 X4.cell_embryo.3_Cell.2
## 1.5411591 1.7523254
## X4.cell_embryo.3_Cell.3 X4.cell_embryo.3_Cell.4
## 1.5091755 1.7288197
## X8.cell_embryo.1_Cell.1 X8.cell_embryo.1_Cell.2
## 3.5036336 3.6047095
## X8.cell_embryo.1_Cell.3 X8.cell_embryo.1_Cell.4
## 2.8523237 3.7815954
## X8.cell_embryo.2_Cell.1 X8.cell_embryo.2_Cell.2
## 2.7822296 1.7838953
## X8.cell_embryo.2_Cell.3 X8.cell_embryo.2_Cell.4
## 2.0550208 3.6057967
## X8.cell_embryo.2_Cell.5 X8.cell_embryo.2_Cell.6
## 2.8845213 2.2490788
## X8.cell_embryo.2_Cell.7 X8.cell_embryo.2_Cell.8
## 2.2758304 2.9764475
## X8.cell_embryo.3_Cell.1 X8.cell_embryo.3_Cell.2
## 3.2518463 3.4940196
## X8.cell_embryo.3_Cell.3 X8.cell_embryo.3_Cell.4
## 4.0421210 3.8096580
## X8.cell_embryo.3_Cell.5 X8.cell_embryo.3_Cell.6
## 3.6084554 2.3880286
## X8.cell_embryo.3_Cell.7 X8.cell_embryo.3_Cell.8
## 2.9516759 4.0716217
## Morulae.1_Cell.1 Morulae.1_Cell.2
## 3.9599366 3.4106195
## Morulae.1_Cell.3 Morulae.1_Cell.4
## -0.1086994 3.2040464
## Morulae.1_Cell.5 Morulae.1_Cell.6
## 3.0037004 4.1114475
## Morulae.1_Cell.7 Morulae.1_Cell.8
## 3.7993021 -0.8141855
## Morulae.2_Cell.1 Morulae.2_Cell.2
## 3.0061775 4.1204670
## Morulae.2_Cell.3 Morulae.2_Cell.4
## 3.9427656 3.4452781
## Morulae.2_Cell.5 Morulae.2_Cell.6
## 3.0906333 3.1098642
## Morulae.2_Cell.7 Morulae.2_Cell.8
## 3.8282935 4.1413236
## Late_blastocyst.1_Cell.1 Late_blastocyst.1_Cell.2
## 0.3133498 2.3487050
## Late_blastocyst.1_Cell.3 Late_blastocyst.1_Cell.4
## 3.4520489 2.5867861
## Late_blastocyst.1_Cell.5 Late_blastocyst.1_Cell.6
## 4.2983325 3.2938349
## Late_blastocyst.1_Cell.7 Late_blastocyst.1_Cell.8
## 2.2683042 1.4092782
## Late_blastocyst.1_Cell.9 Late_blastocyst.1_Cell.10
## -Inf 3.0728322
## Late_blastocyst.1_Cell.11 Late_blastocyst.1_Cell.12
## 1.8878269 2.3270826
## Late_blastocyst.2_Cell.1 Late_blastocyst.2_Cell.2
## 2.2086040 2.9670756
## Late_blastocyst.2_Cell.3 Late_blastocyst.2_Cell.4
## 3.2008340 -0.3768777
## Late_blastocyst.2_Cell.5 Late_blastocyst.2_Cell.6
## -0.2256467 2.8136107
## Late_blastocyst.2_Cell.7 Late_blastocyst.2_Cell.8
## -0.8462984 2.6758713
## Late_blastocyst.2_Cell.9 Late_blastocyst.2_Cell.10
## 1.4768204 2.1813210
## Late_blastocyst.3_Cell.1 Late_blastocyst.3_Cell.2
## 2.0725428 1.3790180
## Late_blastocyst.3_Cell.3 Late_blastocyst.3_Cell.4
## 2.3051817 2.4216118
## Late_blastocyst.3_Cell.5 Late_blastocyst.3_Cell.6
## 3.4375293 -1.9661129
## Late_blastocyst.3_Cell.7 Late_blastocyst.3_Cell.8
## -0.9314044 1.9226415
We are trying save the result to a file first.
WriteQubicInput <- function(file.name, data0, genes, q = 0, err = 1e-10) {
cat("o", colnames(data0), "\n", file = file.name)
for (i in genes) {
cat(i, colnames(data0), "\n", file = "progress")
x <- data0[i, ]
Zcut0 <- q
best <- GetBestK(x = x, n = 1000, q = Zcut0, err = 1e-10)
if (best$k == 0) {
pp <- calculate_prob_sep_Zcut(x, Zcut0, best$result[, 1], best$result[, 2], best$result[, 3])
cc <- discretization_method_1_LLR_mean(x, best$result, pp, LLR_cut = 0.1)
dd <- Build_R_matrix(cc, Zcut0, best$result[, 2], rownames(data0)[i])
write.table(dd, file = file.name, col.names = FALSE, append = TRUE, quote = FALSE)
system.time(WriteQubicInput("qubic_input_head30", data0, head(selected.genes, 30)))
## [1] "Only one class"
## [1] "Only one class"
## [1] "Only one class"
## [1] "Only one class"
## [1] "Only one class"
## [1] "Only one class"
## [1] "Only one class"
## [1] "Only one class"
## [1] "Only one class"
## [1] "Only one class"
## [1] "Only one class"
## [1] "Only one class"
## [1] "Only one class"
## [1] "Only one class"
## [1] "Only one class"
## [1] "Only one class"
## [1] "Only one class"
## [1] "Only one class"
## [1] "Only one class"
## [1] "Only one class"
## [1] "Only one class"
## [1] "Only one class"
## [1] "Only one class"
## [1] "Only one class"
## user system elapsed
## 6.10 0.08 6.31
This may be slow…
## [1] 14542
qubic.file = "qubic_input"
if (!file.exists(qubic.file)) {
WriteQubicInput(qubic.file, data0, selected.genes)
It is the time to read all the data back.
qubic.input <- as.matrix(read.table(qubic.file, row.names = 1, header = TRUE))
Run QUBIC(Zhang et al. 2017), need several minute.
if (!file.exists("res.RData")) {
res <- qubiclust_d(qubic.input)
save(res, file="res.RData")
} else {
## An object of class Biclust
## call:
## Number of Clusters found: 100
## First 5 Cluster sizes:
## BC 1 BC 2 BC 3 BC 4 BC 5
## Number of Rows: 934 931 921 959 941
## Number of Columns: 73 73 73 70 71
## An object of class Biclust
## call:
## Number of Clusters found: 100
## Cluster sizes:
## BC 1 BC 2 BC 3 BC 4 BC 5 BC 6 BC 7 BC 8
## Number of Rows: 934 931 921 959 941 911 909 884
## Number of Columns: 73 73 73 70 71 73 73 75
## BC 9 BC 10 BC 11 BC 12 BC 13 BC 14 BC 15
## Number of Rows: 882 917 902 966 885 872 872
## Number of Columns: 75 72 73 68 74 75 75
## BC 16 BC 17 BC 18 BC 19 BC 20 BC 21
## Number of Rows: 894 892 891 910 897 907
## Number of Columns: 73 73 73 71 72 71
## BC 22 BC 23 BC 24 BC 25 BC 26 BC 27
## Number of Rows: 870 870 905 866 850 849
## Number of Columns: 74 74 71 74 75 75
## BC 28 BC 29 BC 30 BC 31 BC 32 BC 33
## Number of Rows: 846 845 832 832 832 832
## Number of Columns: 75 74 75 75 75 75
## BC 34 BC 35 BC 36 BC 37 BC 38 BC 39
## Number of Rows: 831 831 831 831 831 831
## Number of Columns: 75 75 75 75 75 75
## BC 40 BC 41 BC 42 BC 43 BC 44 BC 45
## Number of Rows: 831 838 826 826 826 826
## Number of Columns: 75 74 75 75 75 75
## BC 46 BC 47 BC 48 BC 49 BC 50 BC 51
## Number of Rows: 832 831 863 808 814 792
## Number of Columns: 74 74 71 75 73 75
## BC 52 BC 53 BC 54 BC 55 BC 56 BC 57
## Number of Rows: 792 792 792 792 792 792
## Number of Columns: 75 75 75 75 75 75
## BC 58 BC 59 BC 60 BC 61 BC 62 BC 63
## Number of Rows: 792 792 792 792 792 792
## Number of Columns: 75 75 75 75 75 75
## BC 64 BC 65 BC 66 BC 67 BC 68 BC 69
## Number of Rows: 792 792 792 792 792 792
## Number of Columns: 75 75 75 75 75 75
## BC 70 BC 71 BC 72 BC 73 BC 74 BC 75
## Number of Rows: 792 792 792 792 792 792
## Number of Columns: 75 75 75 75 75 75
## BC 76 BC 77 BC 78 BC 79 BC 80 BC 81
## Number of Rows: 792 792 792 792 792 792
## Number of Columns: 75 75 75 75 75 75
## BC 82 BC 83 BC 84 BC 85 BC 86 BC 87
## Number of Rows: 792 792 792 792 792 792
## Number of Columns: 75 75 75 75 75 75
## BC 88 BC 89 BC 90 BC 91 BC 92 BC 93
## Number of Rows: 792 792 792 791 792 792
## Number of Columns: 75 75 75 75 74 74
## BC 94 BC 95 BC 96 BC 97 BC 98 BC 99
## Number of Rows: 792 792 739 725 699 683
## Number of Columns: 74 74 77 76 78 77
## BC 100
## Number of Rows: 668
## Number of Columns: 78
Zhang, Yu, Juan Xie, Jinyu Yang, Anne Fennell, Chi Zhang, and Qin Ma. 2017. “QUBIC: A Bioconductor Package for Qualitative Biclustering Analysis of Gene Co- Expression Data.” Bioinformatics 33 (3): 450–52. https://doi.org/10.1093/bioinformatics/btw635.