Some features may not be implemented in version 1.0
- ProcessMode - Use Netfilter driver to intercept process traffic
- ShareMode - Share your network based on WinPcap / Npcap
- TunMode - Use WinTUN driver to create virtual adapter
- WebMode - Web proxy mode
- WmpMode - Proxy forwarding (OBS Streaming)
Following features may limited by your server
- UDP NAT FullCone
- .NET 5.0
- XMR 48ju3ELNZEa6wwPBMexCJ9G218BGY2XwhH6B6bmkFuJ3QgM4hPw2Pra35jPtuBZSc7SLNWeBpiWJZWjQeMAiLnTx2tH2Efx
- ETH 0x23dac0a93bcd71fec7a95833ad030338f167f185