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Haskell Executable Entry Point / Main.main

The default entry point for a Haskell program is Main.main; this is by convention, not defined as part of the standard. (§5.0) The entry point definition must be of type IO τ (an IO action); the τ result is discarded. Typically one uses IO () to make it clear that the result is not used.

The process exit code defaults to "success" (0 on Unix systems); it may be specified explicitly with one of the actions from System.Exit if necessary:

  • exitSuccess ∷ IO a; exitFailure ∷ IO a.
  • die ∷ String → IO a (writes given message to stderr, then exitFailure).
  • exitWith ∷ ExitCode → IO a (construct ExitCode with ExitSuccess or ExitFailure Int). System.Exit.Codes gives BSD sysexits.h definitions.


GHC provides the -main-is <thing> option to specify a different module and/or top-level definition for the entry point; give an exported identifier (bar for, module name (Foo for Foo.main) or both ( (As a reminder, all top-level identifiers are exported when no export list is given.)

The Cabal main-is: <filename> is an entirely different option that gives the name of the .hs file (possibly generated from an .lhs or other preprocessor) containing the main module. The module must be named Main unless -main-is is specified in ghc-options:. (From cabal-version: 1.18 you may specifiy a C/C++/objC source file instead.)

hpack's package.yaml has a main: option that if given a filename will set main-is: Filename in the Cabal file. If the parameter is not a filename it is parsed similar to GHC above and main-is: <module-name>.hs and ghc-options: -main-is <thing> are added to the Cabal file.

Non-Haskell main()

GHC's -no-hs-main option suppresses the (C language) main() function normally supplied by the RTS at link time, allowing you to link your own main(). See the option documentation and Using your own main() for more details, including how to use ghc to help link this.