General Documentation:
- The Documentation page links to many things.
- Haskell 2010 Language Report also available in PDF
and branch
of - GHC User Guide.
- The Typeclassopedia.
- API searches with Hoogle and Hayoo!.
SEDoc documentation pages:
Other handy stuff:
Expressions evaluate to a value that has a (static) type. Values and types are not mixed. Errors are semantically equivalant to ⊥ (bottom), and technically indistinguishable from non-termination, though GHC provides exceptions for this.
- Values: variables (lc) and value constructors (uc).
- Types: type variables (lc), type constructors (uc) and type classes (uc).
- Module names.
An identifier cannot name both a type constructor and type class in the same scope.