TryHackMe Python Discord Bot
Source: Created by DarkStar7471 aka Jon
A bot created for usage on the TryHackMe discord chat server.
Related Hosting Links
- TryHackMe Site:
- DarkStar7471
- Initial commit and creation, initial cogs and base features
- Robin
- Early dev, room cog, social, gtfobins
- Paradox
- Shibe, spaniel
- Yume
- Boop and honk
- Dan @SherlockSec
- Leaderboard generation, tweet command
- Horshark
- Room cog, role sync, stats, rank, rules, help/staff, vote, giveaway, faq, jira, overall rewrite and improvement, database; utils; commands libs, minor features and fixes
- CMNatic
- Housekeeping / general maintenance, integrating thm help site, feedback, vpnscript
- 5nake.exe
- Exploitdb search
- szymex73
- TryHackMe API call optimizations, leaderboard generation optimizations
- TuxTheXplorer
- Cooctus
Commands: {required args} | [optional args]
Verifying/Role Assigning Commands verify {token} | Verify yourself to get your roles.
Room writeup {room_code} | Get the writeups for a room. randomroom | Select a random room.
Announcements notifyme | Toggle the role to get notified on announcements.
Leaderboard Commands leaderboard [page] | Prints the leaderboard. monthly [page] | Prints this month's leaderboard.
Rank Commands rank [@mention/username] | Get a THM member's rank.
FAQ vpn | Learn how to use OpenVPN to connect to our network! multivpn | Learn how to look for duplicate instance of your OpenVPN connection. vpnscript | Use our VPN troubleshooting script to diagnose common issues!
Rules Commands rules | Sends the rules. rule {rule} | Sends the requested rule.
Gtfobins gtfobins [query] | Search GTFObins for a term.
Social github | Get the bot's Github link. twitter | Get the Twitter link. reddit | Get the Reddit link. website | Get the Website link. discord | Get the Discord invite. social | Get links to all our socials. tweet | Get THM's last tweet.
Fun Commands skidy | Sends Skidy's emote. ashu | Send Ashu's emote. dark | Send a random Darkstar quote. honk | HOOONK! boop {@user} | Boop someone! noot | NOOT NOOT! shibe | Sends a shibe picture. spaniel | Sends a spaniel picture. xkcd | Send a random XKCD comic. cooctus | Sends a cooctus clan member.
Help staff | Displays all staff commands. help | Displays all commands.
Provide Feedback feedback | Let us know what you think of TryHackMe!
Utility exploit [-Title][-CVE][-Type][-Platform][-Port][-Content][-Author][-Tag][-Help] {Query} | Searches exploit-db for exploits.
Docs docs [topic] | List our documented topics.