This app is a simple project which lets users pretend to trade stocks. They can buy and sell stocks, as well as manage their portfolio. All stocks are tracked in real time, and mimic the US Stock exchange.
Users can sign up for an account giving them $1000 of fake money to start trading. They can then place buy orders for stocks at given prices. When that price is reached the order will be fufilled and the user will own the stock. Users can then resell the stock, hopefully making a profit.
Currently the application is deployed to
add your key to a .env file in the root directory with the format of the example version.
Run bundle install
and yarn install
to get all packages
Run rails db:create
then rails db:migrate
to prepare the database. Then run rake stocks:seed
to seed the DB with company data
Finally running rails s
and yarn run dev:client
should run the server locally