Welcome to 0nsec's GitHub Terminal
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[+] Status: CONNECTED.
[+] User: 0nsec [admin@github]
[+] Location: github.com
[!] Access Level: Root
0nsec@github:~$ whoami
> I'm a Computer Science student passionate about cybersecurity, programming, and exploring technology.
0nsec@github:~$ echo "Skills"
> Programming: Python, C, C++, c#, Java, Bash
> Security: Penetration Testing, Network Security, Vulnerability Research
> Tools: Git, vscode, Metasploit, Netcat
> Systems: Linux, Windows, macOS
0nsec@github:~$ echo "Projects"
> [HackTools](https://github.com/0nsec/HackTools): A collection of scripts and tools for automating pen-testing tasks.
> [SecureChat](https://github.com/0nsec/SecureChat): A secure, encrypted messaging app built with Flask.
> [CodeVault](https://github.com/0nsec/CodeVault): A repo of algorithms and code snippets.
0nsec@github:~$ echo "Learning"
> Advanced networking, reverse engineering, OS concepts, and web dev.
[!] Warning: Unauthorized access detected. Tracking source...
0nsec@github:~$ echo "Contact"
> Instagram: [https://instagram.com/wolf_.says]
> dev.to: [https://dev.to/0nsec]
> codesandbox: [https://codesandbox.com/0nsec]
> Email: meatuni001@gmail.com
[-] Connection terminated.