A tool to convert git repository logs (without merge commit) to a sqlite database.
$ cargo install --git https://github.com/0x6b/git-log-to-sqlite
$ git-log-to-sqlite -h
A tool to convert git repository logs (without merge commit) to sqlite database
Usage: git-log-to-sqlite [OPTIONS] <ROOT>
<ROOT> Path to the root directory to scan
-r, --recursive Recursively scan the root directory
-m, --max-depth <MAX_DEPTH> Max depth of the recursive scan [default: 1]
-d, --database <DATABASE> Path to the database [default: repositories.db]
-f, --config <CONFIG> Path to TOML configuration file [default: config.toml]
-c, --clear Delete all records from the database before scanning
-n, --num-threads <NUM_THREADS> Number of worker threads [default: 8]
-h, --help Print help
-V, --version Print version
By default, the tool will look for a file named config.toml
in the current directory. All the configurations are optional.
: You can ignore some directories by adding their names to this list.author_map
: You can override the author names by adding their emails to this map, to normalize the author names.
"ignored_repositories" = [
"[email protected]" = "Name of the author"
"..." = "..."
direction LR
changed_files --|> logs : references
logs --|> repositories : references
class changed_files {
commit_hash TEXT (FK)
file_path TEXT
class repositories {
name TEXT
class logs {
commit_hash TEXT (PK)
parent_hash TEXT
author_name TEXT
author_email TEXT
message TEXT
commit_datetime DATETIME
insertions INTEGER
deletions INTEGER
repository_id INTEGER (FK)
MIT. See LICENSE for details.