Simple CLI to show GitHub contribution streak for specified user.
$ cargo install --git github-streak-stats-cli
Export your GitHub personal access token as
environment variable, or pass it as an argument
--github-token. The token should have
read:user` scope.
$ github-streak-stats
See help for detail.
$ github-streak-stats -h
Show GitHub contribution streak. Export `GITHUB_TOKEN` environment variable
with your GitHub personal access token which has `read:user` scope.
Usage: github-streak-stats [OPTIONS] --github-token <GITHUB_TOKEN> [LOGIN]
[LOGIN] GitHub login name. Defaults to the login name of the GitHub API
token owner
-g, --github-token <GITHUB_TOKEN>
GitHub personal access token [env: GITHUB_TOKEN=ghp_...]
-f, --from <FROM>
Start date, in YYYY-MM-DD format. Default value will be the first
Sunday before 52 weeks ago. If specified, it will be the first
Sunday before the specified date
-t, --to <TO>
End date, in YYYY-MM-DD format. Please note that the total time
spanned by 'from' and 'to' must not exceed 1 year. Default value
will be the first Saturday after today. If specified, it will be
the first Saturday after the specified date
-o, --offset <OFFSET>
Offset from UTC, in (+|-)HHMM format [default: +0900]
-r, --display-public-repositories
Display number of public repositories owned
-m, --no-display-matrix
Do not display contribution matrix
-e, --theme <THEME>
Theme for the contribution matrix. Possible values: dark, light,
or auto [default: auto]
-h, --help
Print help
-V, --version
Print version
MIT. See LICENSE for details.