go install github.com/0xgwyn/OriginFuzzer@latest
git clone https://github.com/0xGwyn/OriginFuzzer.git
cd OriginFuzzer
go build -o $GOPATH/bin/originfuzzer main.go
originfuzzer -h
This will display help for the tool. Here are all the switches it supports.
originfuzzer [flags]
-l, -list string List of targets
-v, -verbose Verbose output messages
-sl, -subdomainlist string List of subdomains to test on target for CORS Header check
-s, -subdomain string Single subdomain to test on target for CORS Header check
-x, -header stringSlice Custom headers to add to each request (\"key1:value1\",\"key2:value2\")
-c, -cookie string Cookie values for each request
-ua, -useragent string Custom user-agent for requests
-d, -delay duration Delay between each request
-tm, -testmisconfig Test for CORS misconfigurations
-ad, -attackerdomain string Domain used for testing (default: "attacker.com")
-p, -proxy string HTTP proxy to use
-o, -output string Output filename
-t, -timeout duration Request timeout duration (default: 10 seconds)
-tn, -threads int Number of concurrent targets (default: 1)