The general purpose of Query Google is to search the given -key words- in google and fetch/parse this sites to user.
Usage: query_google {..arg1..} {..arg2..} {..arg3..} {..arg4..} {..arg5..}
--google-search --> get results with given keywords
--fetch-site --> fetch site of given url
if arg1 == --google-search
{..arg2..} --> "google keywords"(in quotes)
if arg1 == --fetch-site
{..arg2..} --> site to fetch
--print-all --> prints html content of site
--print-text --> prints texts of site
if arg1 == --google-search
--print-url --> prints urls in google result
if arg1 == --google-search
{..arg4..} --> number of sites that will fetch
ex: 5
if arg1 == --fetch-site
{..arg4..} --> page range (with its parameter)
ex: "?p=1-10" --> fetchs sites that in [1,10] (1 and 10 is included)
ex: "" --> no page range
{..arg5..} --> filename, if not entered default is stdout
Ex: query_google --google-search "rober hatemo" --print-all 5
query_google --fetch-site --print-text "?p=1-10"
query_google --fetch-site --print-text
Look up to the source codes, and ask me what you want. I am open to any suggestion, help and development together.