✨ Command-line tooling for Radicle.
You can install the Radicle CLI by running the following command from inside this repository:
cargo install --force --locked --path .
Or directly from our seed node:
cargo install --force --locked --git https://seed.alt-clients.radicle.xyz/radicle-cli.git radicle-cli
First, download the package signing key:
curl https://europe-west6-apt.pkg.dev/doc/repo-signing-key.gpg | sudo apt-key add -
Then update your sources list with the radicle repository by creating a registry file:
echo deb https://europe-west6-apt.pkg.dev/projects/radicle-services radicle-cli main | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list.d/radicle-registry.list
Then update the package list and install radicle-cli
sudo apt update
sudo apt install radicle-cli
brew tap radicle/cli https://seed.alt-clients.radicle.xyz/radicle-cli-homebrew.git
brew install radicle/cli/core