This project is being re-written in a different UI Framework with Online Multiplayer - Stay tuned
A Bingo Board Generator for Bionicle Heroes (or any game)
This version loads the entire board from the board.kongu
Original Script by Nordki/Ondrik
Please create a Github Issue detailing what went wrong or could be improved.
Buttons can display animated gifs, but be careful, this can quickly eat up a lot of RAM, because the Library used for this caches every goddamn frame in memory.
Please compress your gifs, or scale them down to ~130x130 (300kB).
Otherwise, this will eat more RAM than Chrome, be warned.
You need .NET 5
The app was packaged into 1 executable including dependencies and runtime (thats why its so huge).
Just download the and run the .exe
All choices and toggles are defined by the board.kongu file.
The file looks like a little something like this:
Based on this file, the GUI generates the toggles and input boxes.
A toggle has a name which is defined with brackets f.i. [Shop]
and beneath it are the goals that get added to the pool of goals.
Every toggle then generates a checkbox into the GUI.
Out of that pool, 25 random entries get picked (based on a seed).
There are special flags that are can be used or should not be tampered with.
The [Default]
flag is not toggleable and has to be the first flag defined in the .kongu file, the values of this flag always get included.
The [Always Fill middle Square]
flag is toggleable and has to be the last flag defined in the .kongu file.
This flag fills the middle/12th square to always be what the flag defined it as.
That means when this flag is toggled, the middle square will always be the same, regardless of seed.
It is possible to define flags that generate a random value at runtime (useful for collectibles).
For instance:
The flag name has to contain a ;RND
(Not shown in GUI) and you can then set the lower and upper bound for the randomly generated value.
The flag name has to contain a ;VALUE
(Not shown in GUI).
These flags generate a input box into the GUI when used, the initial value is the name of the flag.
Whenever you enter a numeric value (maximum is number of items this flag has) the goals then include as many of the flags as specified.
For instance if we enter 2 for the vahki flag, "Kill 50 Vahki" and "Kill 250 Vahki" would get added to the goals pool.
- Generate Bingo Boards (As an Input you can use a file)
- Images can be used to mark tiles. (Resources/scream.jpg)
- Pop out the Bingo Board into its seperate window.
- Change the colors of the tiles and Font.
Duplicate Entries(Fixed)Cannot popout board if board hasn't been generated yet.(Fixed)Cannot set font color, which makes setting custom colors a bit restrictive at the moment.Implemented.- Font size cant be changed as of right now
Gotta look into the seeds and if they are reliableYup, fixed it.- Gotta Explain what the settings do
- Properly utilize Application.Resources / Bindings / Other proper practices where I was too cheap to implement them properly
- Don't just wing the stuff, maybe plan it
- Maybe re-do Randomization
- Just clean up the code a whole lot (Right now its on a "It works" basis)
- Add a dark mode so people can keep using their eyes
- Fix GitHub Workflow .yml so it zips up the program and creates a release automatically