YAYI 2 是中科闻歌研发的新一代开源大语言模型,采用了超过 2 万亿 Tokens 的高质量、多语言语料进行预训练。(Repo for YaYi 2 Chinese LLMs)
A fast gigapixel processing system
Toolkit is a IoT protocol client CLI for IoT developer and learners. CoAP、MQTT And NB-IoT protocol are currently supported. It supports colors, autocompletion, internationalization(chinese, english…
开箱即用的前后端一体化解决方案,前端基于Vue3+Element Plus,服务端基于SpringBoot+MyBatis+Shiro,拥有完整的用户角色权限系统,代码格式规范,可以快速上手!
雅意大模型:为客户打造安全可靠的专属大模型,基于大规模中英文多领域指令数据训练的 LlaMA 2 & BLOOM 系列模型,由中科闻歌算法团队研发。(Repo for YaYi Chinese LLMs based on LlaMA2 & BLOOM)
A type-safe bidirectional routing library for TypeScript
A contrastive learning based semi-supervised segmentation network for medical image segmentation
Android Transition animations explanation with examples.
A visual no-code/code-free web crawler/spider易采集:一个可视化浏览器自动化测试/数据采集/爬虫软件,可以无代码图形化的设计和执行爬虫任务。别名:ServiceWrapper面向Web应用的智能化服务封装系统。
🎉Bridge of iOS Devices by usbmuxd. 基于usbmuxd的iOS调试工具。
🍻 Default formulae for the missing package manager for macOS (or Linux)
A library for users to write (experiment in research) configurations in Python Dict or JSON format, read and write parameter value via dot . in code, while can read parameters from the command line…
React mobile UI Components base on Vant
2018 edition of our front-end development handbook
We proposed a novel U-Net-based model -- DC-UNet to do medical image segmentation.
PrestaShop is the universal open-source software platform to build your e-commerce solution.
Recommendation Algorithm大规模推荐算法库,包含推荐系统经典及最新算法LR、Wide&Deep、DSSM、TDM、MIND、Word2Vec、Bert4Rec、DeepWalk、SSR、AITM,DSIN,SIGN,IPREC、GRU4Rec、Youtube_dnn、NCF、GNN、FM、FFM、DeepFM、DCN、DIN、DIEN、DLRM、MMOE、PLE、ESM…
Simple rich text editor (contentEditable) for jQuery UI
📱🚀 🧩 Cross Device & High Performance Normal Form/Dynamic(JSON Schema) Form/Form Builder -- Support React/React Native/Vue 2/Vue 3