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E0224:Computational_Complexity_Theory is a course on theoretical foundation of computer science at CSA department IISc


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This is my personal repository for E0224:Computational_Complexity_Theory. It is a course on the theoretical foundation of computer science and automation at IISc, Bengaluru. You can find my codes and assignment solution along with class notes. Feel free to fork and use. Don't hesitate to report mistakes if you find them in the documents.

🎯 Essential Highlights of techniques and tools:

Part-I: Turing Machine as a model of computation

$\bullet$ Turing Machine and formal definition of algorithms

$\bullet$ Uncomputability of 'Halting problem' via 'Diagonal Argument (Diagonalization)'

$\bullet$ Universal Turing machine (UTM) and Church-Turing thesis

UTM overhead of $\mathcal{O}(T\cdot log(T))$ [proof omitted]

$\bullet \textbf{Possible violation of Strong Church-Turing Thesis due to Quantum Machine}[😃]$

Part-II: Deterministic and Non-deterministic Turing Machine

$\bullet$ Deterministic Turing Machine and complexity class $P$

$\bullet$ Non-deterministic Turing Machine and complexity class $NP$

$\bullet$ Cook-Levin Theorem and NP-Completeness of SAT (Boolean Satisfiability Problem)

$\bullet$ Karp reduction and Zoo of NP-complete problem

$\bullet$ Decision versus Search Problem: Complexity class co-NP

$\bullet$ More harder Decision Problems: EXP and NEXP

Part-III: Diagonalization and Oracle/Black-Box Model

$\bullet$ Proofs techniques: Diagonalization and Oracle-Methods (Relativization)

Time Hierarchy Theorem: $f(n)log(f(n))=\mathbb{o}(g(n)) \implies DTIME(f(n))\not\subset DTIME(g(n))$

Prove for $P \subsetneq EXP\implies$ $\textbf{Chess and Go will never have a classical Polynomial-time algorithm(!)}$

$\bullet$ Landner's Theorem and NP-Intermediate Problems: Prove for $SAT_H$ is NP-Intermediate

$\bullet$ Curious case of $INTEGER\ FACTORING$ and Graph Isomorphism Problem

$\bullet$ Oracle Machine and Proof by Relativization

$\bullet$ Prove that the P versus NP debate can't be settled by oracle-based relativization

Part-IV: Space Bounded Computation

$\bullet$ Space bounded computation: PSPACE complexity problems

SPACE Vs TIME bounded Computation: $DTIME(S(n))\subseteq SPACE(S(n)) \subseteq DTIME(2^{\mathcal{O}(S(n))})$

⭐ P=PSPACE debate: Can time be reused during computation like space reuse/modification? [Within time travel restriction]

Space Hierarchy Theorem: $f(n)=\mathcal{o}(g(n))\implies SPACE(f(n)) \subsetneq SPACE(g(n))$

⭐ Savitch's Theorem: $NSPACE(S(n))\subseteq SPACE(S(n)^2) \implies$ Non-determinism doesn't add any more power to Turing machine in space-bounded computation

$\bullet$ Class L: Logarithmic space complexity; $UPATH \implies$ s-t connectivity in an undirected graph is in L.

$\bullet$ Class NL: Non-deterministic Logarithmic space complexity; $PATH \implies$ s-t connectivity in a directed graph is in NL.

⭐ PSAPCE-completeness under Karp reduction: Quantified Boolean formula and hardness of TQBF decision problem.

$\bullet$ NL-completeness under Log-space reduction: $PATH$ is NL-complete problem

Part-V: Polynomial Hierarchy

$\bullet$ Polynomial Hierarchy(PH) and Alternating Turing Machine (ATM)

The problem between NP and PSAPCE: Eq-DNF and Succinct Set-Cover

⭐ Class $\Sigma_i$ and $\Pi_i$ as generalization of $NP$ and co-NP.

Polynomial Hierarchy $(PH)$ $\in$ $PSPACE$

$PH$ conjecture and hierarchy collapse theorem

Complete problems in within any $PH$ level: $\Sigma_i$-SAT is a complete problem

💡 Oracle access to Language $L$ $\neq$ access to an efficient algorithm for $L$

Part-VI: Circuit Model of Computation

$\bullet$ Boolean Circuit

PARITY problem and its boolean circuit

Class $P/Poly=\bigcup_{c\geq 1} SIZE(n^c)$

⭐ Karp-Lipton Theorem

Class NC $\equiv$ Efficient Parallel Computation

Class AC (Unbounded fan-in version of NC)

Logarithmic blow up in size for AC to NC conversion: $AC^i\subseteq NC^{i+1}\subseteq AC^{i+1}$

🎯 P-complete problem under log space reduction

P-complete problems:

Circuit Value Problem

Linear Programming

Context Free Grammer (CFG) membership

Is $P=(uniform)NC?$

🎯 Switching Lemma and $PARITY \not\subset AC^0$

Combinatorial Proof of Switching Lemma

Part-VII: Randomized Computation

⭐ Probabilistic Turing Machine Complexity class BPP and robustness of its definition

Sipser-Gacs-Lautemann theorem: $BPP \subseteq \Sigma_2$

Adelman Theorem: $BPP \subseteq P/poly$

⭐ Why truly random bits for BPP? Non-constructible number

Randamization and Non-determinism: BP.NP

Part-VIII: Complexity of Counting

⭐ #P complexity class

class PP and $P^{PP}$

Toda theorem + Valiant-Vazirani Theorem $PH\subseteq P^{sharp-P}$

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E0224:Computational_Complexity_Theory is a course on theoretical foundation of computer science at CSA department IISc








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