Oh my tmux! My self-contained, pretty & versatile tmux configuration made with 💛🩷💙🖤❤️🤍
Скрипт генерируют из русскоязычных ФИО возможные варианты e-mail адресов для дальнейшего перечисления на уязвимых сервисах.
evasion technique to defeat and divert detection and prevention of security products (AV/EDR/XDR)
Process Herpaderping proof of concept, tool, and technical deep dive. Process Herpaderping bypasses security products by obscuring the intentions of a process.
PowerTools is a collection of PowerShell projects with a focus on offensive operations.
Python's http.server extended to include a file upload page
GTFOBins is a curated list of Unix binaries that can be used to bypass local security restrictions in misconfigured systems
Welcome to the page where you will find each trick/technique/whatever I have learnt in CTFs, real life apps, and reading researches and news.
Shared library implementations that transform the containing process into a shell when loaded (useful for privilege escalation, argument injection, file overwrites, LD_PRELOAD, etc.). This fork fix…
Transacted Hollowing - a PE injection technique, hybrid between ProcessHollowing and ProcessDoppelgänging
Collection of various malicious functionality to aid in malware development
An advanced, yet simple, tunneling/pivoting tool that uses a TUN interface.
Crack legacy zip encryption with Biham and Kocher's known plaintext attack.
The Leading Security Assessment Framework for Android.
The ultimate WinRM shell for hacking/pentesting
WADComs is an interactive cheat sheet, containing a curated list of offensive security tools and their respective commands, to be used against Windows/AD environments.
An advanced cross-platform tool that automates the process of detecting and exploiting SQL injection security flaws
SQLAlchemy Admin for FastAPI and Starlette
Automation for internal Windows Penetrationtest / AD-Security
PEASS - Privilege Escalation Awesome Scripts SUITE (with colors)
CMS Detection and Exploitation suite - Scan WordPress, Joomla, Drupal and over 180 other CMSs
Windows system utilities to maximize productivity
A semi-interactive PHP shell compressed into a single file.