Starred repositories
FlexLayout adds a nice Swift interface to the highly optimized facebook/yoga flexbox implementation. Concise, intuitive & chainable syntax.
A library for creating tableviews programatically.
A grid view for iPhone/iPad, designed to look similar to NSCollectionView.
A simple split-view-based filesystem browser for the iPad. Find out what you can read or write!
Resizable split view that accomodates two view controllers for iOS.
Self-contained class to provide an iPad Settings app-like user interface for managing application specific settings.
Checks if there is a newer version of your app in the AppStore and alerts the user to update.
This project is base on GCDWebServer
Calculator keyboard used in the Venmo iOS app
iPad Calculator that allows detachable keyboard entry
Easily setup shortcuts for tables and collections for iPad Smart Keyboards.
Dedicated settings app for accessing tweaks preference bundles.
A drop-in replacement for iOS Settings Bundle "Settings.bundle".
Protect the objective-c application(保护App不闪退)
Objective-C library to cross promote iOS apps
Pop-up based view(e.g. alert sheet), can be easily customized.
Notify users when a new version of your app is available and prompt them to upgrade.
A data-driven UICollectionView framework for building fast and flexible lists.
DerAndereAndi / QuincyKit
Forked from bitstadium/QuincyKitLive crash report management for iOS and Mac OS X. AppStore ready on iOS only!
基于MVC架构的iOS轻量级框架,封装了基类、基于猿题库YTKNetwork的网络服务、工具库,NavigationController转场动画/瀑布流/粒子动画/小demo,已适配iOS11 & iPhone X。欢迎Star🌟
To mix your project if you want it won't be like others
Github clone of
Integrate iCloud into iOS document projects with one-line code methods. Sync, upload, manage, and remove documents from iCloud quickly and easily. Helps to make iCloud "just work" for developers too.
The Crypto/currency icons listed on Binance exchange.