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Starred repositories
DerAndereAndi / QuincyKit
Forked from bitstadium/QuincyKitLive crash report management for iOS and Mac OS X. AppStore ready on iOS only!
samsoffes / sstoolkit
Forked from soffes/sstoolkitA collection of well-documented iOS classes for making life easier
xqdoo00o / ChatGPT-to-API
Forked from acheong08/ChatGPT-to-APIScalable unofficial ChatGPT API for production.
Android-skin-support is an easy dynamic skin framework to use for Android, Only one line of code to integrate it. Android 换肤框架, 极低的学习成本, 极好的用户体验. "一行"代码就可以实现换肤, 你值得拥有!!!
envoza / Brushes-tougher
Forked from tougher/BrushesPainting app for the iPhone and iPad.
factboi / Brushes-tougher
Forked from envoza/Brushes-tougherPainting app for the iPhone and iPad.
tutsplus / iOS-SpriteKitAndSceneKit-StarterProject
Forked from davis503525/CombinedSpriteKitSceneKitCombining the Power of SpriteKit and SceneKit
galch / MPU9255
Forked from Snowda/MPU9250MPU9255 driver from MPU9250 Driver for Arduino
huaweiwx / STM32GENERIC
Forked from danieleff/STM32GENERICGeneric implementation of Arduino for STM32 boards
implement android pinterest app like multi column list view.
xiaoowuu / TableView
Forked from KungFuBrother/TableView自定义表格控件,用于展示简单的统计数据
xlvecle / tensorflow-macOS-gpu
Forked from tensorflow/tensorflowTry to build tensorflow gpu support on macOS
Smoothly animating, very configurable and easy to install. No Ajax, pure Javascript.
Perl interface to libmemcached
A vertical TabBar for iPad
taozhen / moye
Forked from ecomfe/moyeA Simple UI Library for ZX