1.1. Purpose
1.2. Backgrounds
2. Environment of Development
2.1. Prerequisition
2.2. docker to make an environment easily
3. How to Run
3.1. make a documents automatically
3.1.1. If you have unsolved problems in installing tools
3.2. example
3.3. clean
4. Docker
4.1. How to use docker in detail
5. What is the result
___ ___ __ ____ _____ _ _ _ _ ___ ____ _ _
/ __) / __) /__\ ( _ \ ( _ )( \/ )( \/ ) / __)( ___)( \( )
( (__ ( (_-. /(__)\ )(_) ) )(_)( ) ( \ / ( (_-. )__) ) (
\___) \___/(__)(__) (____/ (_____)(_/\_) (__) \___/(____)(_)\_)
- Doxygen PERLMOD to Markdown & Word & Excel converter for supporting ASPICE
- It is helpful to make a documents from source code and your doxygen comments.
- It is helper of doxygen.
- Reduce the tedious jobs (LLD : Low level Design documents). When we make a document for customer , we should make a markdown & word & excel documents with detailed class information.
- and I hop it is helpful to save your time for your life.
- Some customer Wants
- want detailed documents like LLD (Low Level Design).
- LLD should include the detailed information for Class and your source code.
- Deliverables
- upport word and xlsx file for detailed documents.
- Some customer Wants
- Doxygen comments is the best method as a good programmer
- Always synchronize source and documents
- Doxygen gives some warning to you when your comments mismatch with your code.
- it is helpful for us to make a better source and comments (documents)
- I think that doxygen is a de facto standard in open source.
- It gives improving your international skills.
- ubuntu package : python-dev python-pip python-setuptools javacc java-common pandoc doxygen vim python3-pip python3-setuptools graphviz
- perl module ( Excel::Writer::XLSX )
- cpan Excel::Writer::XLSX
- hpp2plantuml
- markdown-pp
- docker pull cheoljoo/ubuntu16:cgadoxygen
- How to make a document (LLD & SDD) automatically
- (optional) if you have many subdirectories , you try to run copy.sh at first.
sh copy.sh ../../OUTPUT/stc ./src
- sh run.sh { lists of directories including your codes (cpp and h) }
- if you run copy.sh (destination : ./src)
$ sh run.sh ./src
- ex) if you have sources in ../.. ../../inc /home/user/src , then
$ sh run.sh ../.. ../../inc /home/user/src
- directory list is not recursive
- you can verify in ./CGADoxygen/build_doxygen/src as soft-link files.
- if you run copy.sh (destination : ./src)
- OUTPUT will be generated in "[git repository directory]/build_perlmod/OUTPUT"
- LLD (Low Level Design) Document : it is full document
- NECE (Necessary) LLD : it is necessary document. I remove the doc when they do not have doxygen comments.
- SEQU (Sequential) LLD : it solves the detailed information each function sequentially. it will support multiple plantuml and note and details.
OUTPUT | HTML | Markdown |
Low Level Design (LLD) | LLD.css.html | LLD.md |
NECE (Necessary) LLD | nece.css.html | nece.html.md |
SEQU (Sequential) LLD | sequ.css.html | sequ.html.md |
- Show "How to install tools" of https://github.com/cheoljoo/CGADoxygen/blob/master/reference/README.md
$ sh run.sh ./example/A ./exampleC ./exampleD/Source
$ sh run.sh example/B
$ sh run.sh clean
docker image pull
- $ docker pull cheoljoo/ubuntu16:cgadoxygen
- $ docker run -it -v /home/username/doxygen:/docker --name cga1 cheoljoo/ubuntu16:cgadoxygen /bin/bash
- /home/username/doxygen : is your host directory to use for your code
- /docker : is directory in docker shell
- $ docker ps -all
CONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND CREATED STATUS PORTS NAMES 74027e97f2b8 cheoljoo/ubuntu16:cgadoxygen "/bin/bash" 12 days ago Exited (1) 12 days ago cga1
- $ docker start cga1
- $ docker attach cga1
docker shell
- cd /docker
- you can see files in host (/homeusername/doxygen)
- cd /tmp/CGADoxygen
- copy your source_code in /tmp/CGADoxygen/YourName
sh run.sh YourName
- you can find the result (SDD.html) in /tmp/CGADoxygen/build_perlmod/
- cd /docker
- Architecture
- Deliverables (SDD Component)
- screenshot
- 2022-07-15 : cga2nece.pl
- this job is for code beamer upload.
- upload destination :
- build_perlmod/makefile
- perl cga2nece.pl default.GV OUTPUT/nece.html.md > c_nece.log
- cga2nece.pl : "nece.html.md" is final document.
- log : c_nece.log
- code beamer wiki format document : https://codebeamer.com/cb/wiki/8730#section-Basic+formatting
- deliverables : nece.perl.data , nece.python.data