The system uses sensors to monitor the movement in the entrances and windows of the house, alarming the owner via text or email if the alarm had been triggered. In order to create the most secure home alarm, consideration has been given not only to protecting the home against physical attack
Elements such as an LED, button, door jumper, motion sensor, buzzer and photoresistor were connected to Raspberry Pi using GPIO pins(Figure 1). The driver was developed to listen to the hardware for interrupts that invoke specific actions associated with changing the alarm state. The module waits for the events and writes information about them the userspace simultaneously changing states and performing actions related to it, such as triggering or arming the alarm. Driver is char type driver that acts like a file to which driver write data that client application can read and process further. To prevent excessive pulling of data to the file, a queue was used to awake writing data only during the event. When the alarm is activated, the driver controls the LED and the buzzer alternately turns it on and off using a timer. Checking the current state or controlling the device is carried out in use of commands based on the module performs specific actions. Commands have no physical effect on the state of the system elements, just the ability to change the overall state of the system or obtain its current state if it is not known to the user. The alarm is not only able to change its activation state but also its armed state when the brightness level in the area drops.
The kernel driver also uses a timer that allows you to control the LED and buzzer, changing their state to the opposite for each operation. Each of the sensors has a registered handler intrupts, which during startup performs operations according to the sensor's task. The photoresistor required ignoring some of the interrupts due to its extended triggering at the edge of the high and low voltages. Client application forwards driver events to the MQTT broker, depending on its type, by publishes it to the indicated topics and responding on external requests. Messages with events are attaching with timestamp prepared to transportation by wrapping them to the JSON format. For every event message coming from a broker, the client validates the type of event and sends back incoming command to the device.
The configuration of the database and MQTT was based on the appropriate configuration files located on the connected volumes, and in the case of MongoDB to run the script that creates the appropriate structure of collections and users. Cone of the servers in production are exposed to the port 22, and all data exchange takes place by inserting the code on the appropriate EFS volumes using a temporary virtual machine
Like a broker, the website and database have been additionally secured with credentials requiring authentication from the user. All external services (Figure 3) run on amazon cloud on a dedicated cluster through the Elastic Container Service being encapsulated in containers. Due to limitations to comuninicate between containers and bridge network containers has been used with elastic IP and external domain. The use of Dockers allowed for easier local work in the test environment, also for better control of port exposure, data volumes, or adjustment of the relevant resources and software versions. The web application and the database also have access to the Elastic File System where they can exchange data via shared volumes, especially certificates. The application, as the client, listens for messages from the MQTT broker using them real-time also saving data to a database as history logs and access point to previous data (if user connects till after latest events arrived). By recording earlier events in the database, the user can see the history of events in the form of a list and can be used in future development.
Initially, when the website starts running, send information into MQTT for finding connected devices to listen. Listening to the MQTT server takes place only during the operation of the server, which can react to certain events. All incoming messages blink as red for a while(Figure 4). It has been possible to develop modules for sending emails and text messages, but it has not been possible to implement the whole solution of sending notifications about the occurrence of alarm releases in time. On each user, request sewer sends commands to client applications via MQTT to get current information about alarm devices in real-time or take some data stored already in the database. Communication with the client side has been handled using web sockets, giving users a nice view and consistent real-time data without reloading the website. Data from MQTT are processed and passed to web sockets where are presented. User can also disable alarm using his credentials and password to defuse alarms.