A docker image that provides a LeviLamina server that will automatically download selected version at startup
Xiaomi Home Integration for Home Assistant
orz12 / PiliPalaX
Forked from guozhigq/pilipalaPiliPalaX 是使用Flutter开发的BiliBili第三方客户端,感谢使用,欢迎Star。
Endstone - High-level Plugin API for Bedrock Dedicated Servers (BDS), in both Python and C++.
A lightweight, modular and versatile mod loader for Minecraft Bedrock Edition, formerly known as LiteLoaderBDS
Documentation of the Bedrock network protocol. Protocol is subject to change release over release.
Just make a few small changes to your Bilibili homepage. (English | 简体中文 | 正體中文 | 廣東話)
Python library used to send toast notifications on Windows machines
This script will allow you to mimic your windows pc as a Galaxy Book laptop, this is usually used to bypass Samsung Notes
Create web-based user interfaces with Python. The nice way.
Use any web browser as GUI, with Python in the backend and HTML5 in the frontend.
微博热搜榜,记录从 2020-11-24 日开始的微博热门搜索。每小时抓取一次数据,按天归档。
OpenGFW is a flexible, easy-to-use, open source implementation of GFW (Great Firewall of China) on Linux
今日头条热搜,知乎热门视频,知乎热搜榜,知乎热门话题,微博热搜榜;记录从 2020-11-29 日开始的热搜。每小时抓取一次数据,按天归档。
🚀 支持移动端、支持 SSR、支持直播,可以接入任何流媒体。高性能的弹幕系统。高度可定制,所有图标、主题色等都可以替换,并且提供了内置组件方便二次开发。无第三方运行时依赖。
✨ Perfect virtual display for game streaming
Enable Moonlight streaming from your PC over the Internet with no configuration required
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