Cache Manager include Couchbase-Memcached Bucket- , Redis and In Memory Cache Providers and Manager
Add the following line on your web config config sections and add reference INGA.Framework.Helpers.Configurations
<section name="CacheProvidersSection" type="INGA.Framework.Helpers.Configuration.ConfigurationSections.CacheProvidersSection" />
Add the following line on your web config
<add Name="Redis" Host="" Port="6379" Username="" Password="" IsActive="true" CacheName="" />
<add Name="Memcached" Host="" Port="11211" Username="" Password="" IsActive="false" CacheName="" />
<add Name="InMemory" Host="" Port="0" Username="" Password="" IsActive="false" CacheName="CacheProvider" />
And add as a reference INGA.Framework.CacheManager on your project
ICacheManager cacheManager = INGA.Framework.CacheManager.ProviderFactory.Instance;
const string cacheKey = "mycacheKey_1";
var storeResult = cacheManager.Set<Example>(cacheKey, items);
var retrieveResult = cacheManager.Get<Example>(cacheKey);