This code is used for the power equipment infrared and visible image registration (MATLAB version ≥ R2019 is better).
If you use this project for your research, consider to cite:
JIANG Qian, LIU Yadong, YAN Yingjie, DENG Jun, FANG Jian, LI Zhe, and JIANG Xiuchen. "A contour angle orientation for power equipment infrared and visible image registration", IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, 2020, 36(04):2559-2569.
Download paper at website:
Just Click file cp_Main.m to select a pair of infrared and visible images and then the registration process will start. You can change some optional parameters to achieve better registration result than the default, such as parameters in function cp_registration.m.
Contributions (bug reports, bug fixes, improvements, etc.) are very welcome and should be submitted in the form of new issues and/or pull requests on GitHub.
Some registration examples of the algorithm are shown at site: (in Chinese)