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Unofficial docker build instructions for eth2 clients


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eth2-docker v0.1.7.5

Unofficial and experimental docker build instructions for eth2 clients


Parts of this guide are based on the Linux guides written by Somer Esat.

Without their previous work, this project would not exist.

Supported clients

This project builds clients from source. A similar workflow for binary images is a TODO, as long as it does not duplicate work by client teams.

Currently supported clients:

  • Lighthouse
  • Prysm
  • Teku
  • Nimbus

Currently supported optional components:

  • geth, local eth1 node. Use this or a 3rd-party provider of eth1 chain data to "feed" your eth2 beacon node, so you can propose blocks.
  • Grafana dashboard

Note: As of 10/09/2020, Nimbus requires an "archive" source of eth1 chain data. This can be a local geth in archive mode via ws://, or a 3rd-party provider via wss://. Please see SETUP for details.

Please see WEB for experimental Web UI support on Prysm, and use the Web instead of validator-import to import keys.


Before you start

Warnings about the dangers of running eth2 validators are in That file also contains a link to SomerEsat's guide on host security, and comments on key security. Please take a look.

Steps to bring an eth2 node up

  1. Install prerequisites
  2. Choose a client and do initial setup.
  3. Build the client
  4. Generate deposit files and an eth2 wallet. This can be done within this project, or outside of it
  5. Import the validator keystore files generated in the previous step
  6. Run the client
  7. Finalize the deposit. This is not done within this project
  8. Set up Grafana dashboards (optional)
  9. Configure your system to start the eth2 node on boot (optional)

Step 1: Install prerequisites

You will need git, docker, and docker-compose. This should work on Linux, possibly MacOS. Running a node on Windows 10 is highly discouraged because of time synchronization concerns. Please see prerequisites and then come back here.

Step 2: Choose a client, initial setup

Next, choose a client and configure this project to use it. Please see setup instructions and then come back here.

Step 3: Build the client

Important Before you build, verify once more that LOCAL_UID in .env is the UID of your user (check with echo $UID), and that the file .env (dot env) is called exactly that, and contains the parameters you expect. You will get errors about missing permissions, during Step 4, if the UID is wrong.

Build all required images from source. This will take 20-30 minutes. Assuming you cloned the project into eth2-docker:

cd ~/eth2-docker
sudo docker-compose build

Step 4: Create an eth2 wallet and validator keystore and deposit files

You will deposit eth to the deposit contract, and receive locked eth2 in turn.

Vital has comments on key security. If you haven't read these yet, please do so now. You need to know how to guard your keystore password and your seed phrase (mnemonic). Without the mnemonic, you will be unable to withdraw your funds in phase 2. You need the seed phrase or your eth is gone forever.

Make sure you're in the project directory, cd ~/eth2-docker by default.

Edit the .env file to set the number of validators you wish to run. The default is just one (1) validator.

This command will get you ready to deposit eth:
sudo docker-compose run deposit-cli

The created files will be in the directory .eth2/validator_keys in this project. This is also where you'd place your own keystore files if you already have some for import.

You brought your own keys

They go into .eth2/validator_keys in this project directory, not directly under $HOME.

Step 5: Create a validator wallet by importing validator keys

Warning Import your validator key(s) to only one client.

If you want to use the experimental Prysm Web UI, use it to import keys and not this command-line process.

Import the validator key(s) to the validator client:

sudo docker-compose run validator-import


  • You will be asked to provide a wallet directory. Use /var/lib/prysm.
  • You will be asked to provide a "New wallet password", independent of the keystore password.
  • If you choose not to store the wallet password with the validator, you will need to edit prysm-base.yml and comment out the wallet-password-file parameter

If you choose to save the password during import, it'll be available to the client every time it starts. If you do not, you'll need to be present to start the validator and start it interactively. Determine your own risk profile.

Step 6: Start the client

To start the client:

sudo docker-compose up -d eth2

Nimbus and Teku: Beacon and validator run in the same process, there is only one container for both

If, however, you chose not to store the wallet password with the validator, you will need to bring the beacon and, if in use, geth, up individually instead, then "run" the validator so it can prompt you for input:

sudo docker-compose up -d geth beacon
sudo docker-compose run validator

After providing the wallet password, use the key sequence Ctrl-p Ctrl-q to detach from the running container.

Step 7: Depositing

Optional: You may wish to wait until the beacon node is fully synchronized before you deposit. Check its logs with sudo docker-compose logs -f beacon. This safe-guards against the validator being marked offline if your validator is activated before the beacon syncs.

Once you are ready, you can send eth to the deposit contract by using the .eth2/validator_keys/deposit_data-TIMESTAMP.json file at the Medalla launchpad.

Step 8: Grafana Dashboards

I'll repeat /u/SomerEsat's instructions on how to set up Grafana.

Step 9: Autostart the client on boot

If you are using the "unless-stopped" restart policy, docker will start the client for you. That said, you may wish to make sure this happens on startup no matter what.

For Linux systems that use systemd, e.g. Ubuntu, you'd create a systemd service.

  • Copy the file: sudo cp sample-systemd /etc/systemd/system/eth2.service
  • Edit the file: sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/eth2.service
  • Adjust the WorkingDirectory to the directory you stored the project in.
  • Adjust the path to docker-compose to be right for your system, see which docker-compose
  • Test the service: From within the project directory, sudo docker-compose down to shut it down, then sudo systemctl daemon-reload, sudo systemctl start eth2 to bring it back up, and check sudo docker ps to see all expected containers are up.
  • Enable the service: sudo systemctl enable eth2

Addendum: Monitor the client

Monitoring the logs of the client is useful for troubleshooting and to judge the amount of time left before the beacon and geth nodes are fully synchronized.

To see a list of running containers:

sudo docker ps

To see the logs of a container:

sudo docker logs -f CONTAINERNAME


sudo docker-compose logs -f SERVICENAME

Addendum: Update the software

This project does not monitor client versions. It is up to you to decide that you are going to update a component. When you are ready to do so, the below instructions show you how to.

Please see the changelog to see what changed between versions.

The project itself

Inside the project directory, run:
git pull

Then cp .env .env.bak and cp default.env .env, and set variables inside .env the way you need them, with .env.bak as a guide.


sudo docker-compose build --no-cache geth

Then stop, remove and start geth:
sudo docker-compose stop geth && sudo docker-compose rm geth
sudo docker-compose up -d geth


Beacon and validator share the same image, we only need to rebuild one.

sudo docker-compose build --no-cache beacon

Then restart the client:
sudo docker-compose down && sudo docker-compose up -d eth2

If you did not store the wallet password with the validator, come up more manually instead.

Addendum: Voluntary client exit

Ethereum 2.0 has a concept of "voluntary client exit", which will remove the validator from attesting duties. Locked eth could be withdrawn in phase 2, and not sooner.

Currently, Prysm supports voluntary exit. This requires a fully synced Prysm client.

To exit, run sudo docker-compose run validator-voluntary-exit and follow the prompts.

If you wish to exit validators that were running on other clients, you can do this as follows:

  • Stop the other client(s), and wait 20 minutes. This is so you won't have a validator attest in the same epoch twice.
  • Copy all keystore-m JSON files into .eth2/validator_keys in this project directory.
  • Stop the Prysm client in this project, sudo docker-compose down
  • Import the new keys via sudo docker-compose run validator-import. Note that Prysm assumes they all have the same password. If that's not the case, maybe work in batches.
  • Verify once more that the old client is down, has been for 20 minutes, and can't come back up. If both the old client and this Prysm run at the same time, you will slash yourself
  • Bring the Prysm client up: sudo docker-compose up -d eth2
  • Check logs until the beacon is synced: sudo docker-compose logs -f beacon
  • Initiate voluntary exit and follow the prompts: sudo docker-compose run validator-voluntary-exit

Note you will need to continue running your validator until the exit has been processed by the chain, if you wish to avoid incurring offline penalties. You can check the status of your validator with tools such as and beaconscan.

Addendum: Troubleshooting

A few useful commands if you run into issues. As always, sudo is a Linux-ism and may not be needed on MacOS.

sudo docker-compose stop servicename brings a service down, for example docker-compose stop validator.
sudo docker-compose down will stop the entire stack.
sudo docker-compose up -d servicename starts a single service, for example sudo docker-compose up -d validator. The -d means "detached", not connected to your input session.
sudo docker-compose run servicename starts a single service and connects your input session to it. Use the Ctrl-p Ctrl-q key sequence to detach from it again.

sudo docker ps lists all running services, with the container name to the right.
sudo docker logs containername shows logs for a container, sudo docker logs -f containername scrolls them.
sudo docker-compose logs servicename shows logs for a service, sudo docker-compose logs -f servicename scrolls them.
sudo docker exec -it containername /bin/bash will connect you to a running service in a bash shell. The geth service doesn't have a shell.

You may start a service with sudo docker-compose up -d servicename and then find it's not in sudo docker ps. That means it terminated while trying to start. To investigate, you could leave the -d off so you see logs on command line:
sudo docker-compose up beacon, for example.
You could also run sudo docker-compose logs beacon to see the last logs of that service and the reason it terminated.

If a service is not starting and you want to bring up its container manually, so you can investigate, first bring everything down:
sudo docker-compose down, tear down everything first.
sudo docker ps, make sure everything is down.

If you need to see the files that are being stored by services such as beacon, validator, eth1 node, grafana, &c, in Ubuntu Linux you can find those in /var/lib/docker/volumes. sudo bash to invoke a shell that has access.

HERE BE DRAGONS You can totally run N copies of an image manually and then successfully start a validator in each and get yourself slashed. Take extreme care.

Once your stack is down, to run an image and get into a shell, without executing the client automatically:
sudo docker run -it --entrypoint=/bin/bash imagename, for example sudo docker run -it --entrypoint=/bin/bash lighthouse.
You'd then run Linux commands manually in there, you could start components of the client manually. There is one image per client.
sudo docker images will show you all images.

Guiding principles:

  • Reduce the attack surface of the client as much as feasible. None of the eth2 clients lend themselves to be statically compiled and running in "scratch" containers, alas.
  • Guide users to good key management as much as possible
  • Create something that makes for a good user experience and guides people new to docker and Linux as much as feasible



Unofficial docker build instructions for eth2 clients







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  • Dockerfile 56.1%
  • Shell 43.9%