Because virtual machines are hard to redistribute, more difficult to tweak and even more difficult to version control Vagrant is used for this project to simplify and make the development environment more reproducible. Note that the Vagrant setup isn't hermetic and will pull software from external sources and may use newer versions where not explicitly controlled.
- Download and install Vagrant
- Download and install a supported virtual machine provider
- VirtualBox
- VMware (note that Workstation Player may be missing
in recent Linux releases, check the Initial Set Up section before continuing)
It is strongly recommended that you store any virtual machine disks on the highest speed storage device available on your system.
Open a terminal in the host machine and add the current user to the group of vboxusers. This is necessary in order for the guest machine to see USB-connected devices.
sudo adduser $USER vboxusers
Once you've added yourself as a vboxuser reboot the host machine so that the side-effects of being added as a user take effect.
sudo reboot
Go to the General Set Up section to continue.
In Workstation 16 Player the executable for managing virtual machines vmrun
is missing. So before paying for a broken product you can install an evaluation of the VMware product you want to use. If you're not sure try Workstation Player first and if that doesn't have vmrun
then Workstation Pro should. You can check for the presence of vmrun
this way:
which vmrun
If you get a path like /usr/bin/vmrun
back that should indicate that vmrun
is available.
You can now continue to install the Vagrant-specific tools in the All Platforms section and then continue to General Set Up
You'll need to git clone the machines you want/need to use into this folder. The machine configurations aren't git submodules so that there aren't explicit references to other machines that may exist for clients.
Each machine definition will have its own Vagrantfile to describe how to set it up. In order to find these Vagrantfiles you will need to create a user.vagrants.rb in this repository's directory to enumerate each directory containing a Vagrantfile. Here's an example of this file.
def get_vagrants()
return [
Here is what this example looks like after the cache and interview machines are cloned and the user.vagrants.rb file is added.
Open a terminal and change directory to the one containing the file named Vagrantfile. To create a machine without specifying the virtual machine provider you can run the following.
vagrant up $MACHINE
If you want to specify that the VM will be provided by VMware you may specify it at creation time.
vagrant up $MACHINE --provider=vmware_desktop
This process can take a while. It will bring up a VM window but don't try to use it until the process in the terminal is complete. If the output of the terminal you ran vagrant up $MACHINE
from shows an error or hangs you will have to figure out the problem from the terminal output.
When the machine is not running the same command can be used to boot the machine. But so long as the machine exists the provider does not need to be respecified.
In most cases you shouldn't have to log in but if you do log in as user "vagrant" and password "vagrant". You can also access the command line from the same directory as the vagrant up
command using Vagrant's ssh.
vagrant ssh $MACHINE
You can shut down a machine but keep its disk contents by halting the machine.
vagrant halt $MACHINE
You can also use the normal methods of shutting down the machine from within the VM.
GOTCHA It's possible to reboot the VM from within itself or the VirtualBox GUI as well as power up the VM from the VirtualBox GUI but it isn't guaranteed to mount the project directory shared between both the guest and host machines.
If you want to get rid of the constructed VM and its entire disk simply open a terminal and change directory to the same directory as the Vagrantfile and run Vagrant's destroy command.
vagrant destroy $MACHINE