- About
- Prerequisites
- Terabyte Tweaker
- ztweaks
- Optimizer
- TimerResoluton
- TCP Optimizer
- DnsJumper
- Quick CPU
- Memreduct
- Limit Reservable Bandwidth
I've created this repo for boost your fps/ping/input lag for free on the games and for your pc
Before you start changing anything make sure you create a restore point if you want I added a shortcut to open it, in the folder.
All the files .exe is for windows 10/11 64bit if you have 32bit system go down in the credits and download it.
I will give to you the best settings.
1.Windows 10/11.
2.For Optimizer you need .NET Framework 4.8.
See the guide in Terabyte Tweaker.
Whith this tool you can do Debloating (Remove unnecessary features).
This is the interface
What features has ZTweaks:
Removing debloat apps from Microsoft Store.
Optimizes WiFi and Ethernet for lowest ping and packet loss.
PC Cleaner which cleans the registry and junk files from your computer.
DNS optimization for lower ping.
Update-System if needed you can update ZTweaks with one click.
Disables unneeded Windows services.
Disables Windows Telementry.
Resets the network card and drivers and fixes the large ping and packet loss.
Desktop Window Manager (DWM) Tweaks, Which reduces CPU usage.
Ping Reducer, Which reduces ping and packet instability.
Sets the settings in the control panel to the best it can.
Takes up little disk space.
Sets games to high priority.
Optimizes keyboard and mouse input latency to the lowest possible way.
It has the ability to perform a Windows Restore Point with a single click.
1.Open the program,in the images below there is a lot of features that you can change.
1.Open the software.
2.Click on maximum and click on close.
1.Open the software as administrator.
2.In the General Settings section set the settings below.
3.After the changes click on Apply Changes and donโt reboot the system.
4.In the Advanced Settings section set the settings below.
5.After the changes click on Apply Changes and now reboot the system.
1.Open the program and click on Fastest DNS.
2.Now click on Start DNS Test.
3.After the process click on Apply DNS Server.
1.Install and open the program and set the settings below.
2.Click the icon top left like the down one.
3.Click on apply.
4.Click on Advanced CPU Settings.
5.Next go to Speed Shift and set all to maximum like my settings.
6.Click on apply and click on close.
1.Install Mem Reduct.
2.Open it.
3.When you have high memory usage click on Clean memory.
4.If you want to delete after minutes or according to the percentage of the occupied memory.
5.To do this you need to go bottom right and right click on Mem Reduct icon like this.
6.This windows will appear.
7.Click to Clean when above and set the percentage or click to Clean every and set the time.
1.Open Run (Windows key + R).
2.Type gpedit.msc and click Ok.
3.Navigate to the path: Computer configuration > Administrative Templates > Network > QoS Packet Scheduler.
4.Locate the Limit reservable bandwidth entry and double-click on it.
5.Click on Enabled.
6.Under Options, set the bandwidth limit(%) to a lower value.
7.Click Apply and Exit the editor.