A small CLI to check if the Redis server failover is functioning.
$ go run main.go --help
Usage of /var/folders/n3/6zd4mt6n70ldwbhy03s3jt940000gn/T/go-build2972800864/b001/exe/main:
-h string
Redis server IP address (default "")
-p string
Redis server port (default "6379")
Assuming you have Multipass set up to test the program locally.
- Launch Redis server with a new VM:
$ multipass launch -n redis-server --cloud-init cloud-init.yml
- Run the program:
$ go run main.go -h $(multipass info redis-server --format json | jq -r '.info."redis-server".ipv4[0]') 2024/10/29 16:26:35 Connecting to Redis at 2024/10/29 16:26:35 maintainConnectionPing: PONG 2024/10/29 16:26:35 newConnectionPing: PONG 2024/10/29 16:26:36 maintainConnectionPing: PONG 2024/10/29 16:26:36 newConnectionPing: PONG 2024/10/29 16:26:37 maintainConnectionPing: PONG 2024/10/29 16:26:37 newConnectionPing: PONG ...
$ multipass delete redis-server
$ multipass purge