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vLabeler is an open-source voice labeling application with the following objectives:

  • Delivering a modern and seamless UI/UX.
  • Offering a customizable labeling process suitable for various voice generation software.
  • Ensuring high performance and support across multiple platforms.

For assistance, feedback, reporting issues, and more, please join our Discord.

Demo video (in English) Please note that this demo video is a bit outdated (1.0.0-beta1). Some UI elements may be different in the latest version.

YouTube | bilibili


See Releases.

Packaged application for the following platforms are provided in the releases.

  • Windows:
  • macOS (Intel): ~mac-x64.dmg
  • macOS (Apple Silicon): ~mac-arm64.dmg
  • Ubuntu: ~amd64.deb

For other types of Linux os, you may have to build it by yourself.


vLabeler is built with Compose Multiplatform. You can use Gradle to build the application. See more

Currently, cross-platform building is not supported. Only packages for your OS are built.

Please ensure you have JDK 17+ for building.

// Package by an installer
./gradlew packageDistributionForCurrentOS

// Or, build an executable app
./gradlew createDistributable


Many behaviors of vLabeler depend on customizable labelers.

Currently, the followings are provided as built-in labelers:

Working on UTAU oto.ini

For UTAU oto editing, there are two items in the built-in labeler list:

  • UTAU oto labeler

    If you only want to edit one oto.ini file, please use this labeler.

  • UTAU singer labeler

    If you want to edit multiple oto.ini files under a singer voicebank, please use this labeler. Please set the singer's root folder (which usually contains a character.txt file) as the Sample Directory when you create the project.

Working on audio labels

For label files used in NNSVS/ENUNU and similar systems, the following options are available now:

  • Sinsy lab labeler

    This labeler is for Sinsy (NNSVS/ENUNU) lab files, which uses 100ns as the time unit and use (space) as the separator. It only accepts one label file per project. A wav file is bound to the label file by the file name, e.g., if the input label file is foo.lab, the wav file named foo.wav will be selected from the Sample Directory.

  • Audacity labeler

    This labeler is for Labels file created by Audacity, which uses s as the time unit and use \t (tab) as the separator. It only accepts one label file per project. A wav file is bound to the label file by the file name, e.g., if the input label file is foo.txt, the wav file named foo.wav will be selected from the Sample Directory.

  • NNSVS singer labeler

    This labeler is basically the same with the Sinsy lab labeler, but it can handle multiple label files. Typically, if you have the following file structures:

    - singer
        - wav
          - 1.wav
          - 2.wav
        - lab
          - 1.lab
          - 2.lab

    you can create a project containing all the label files by setting Sample Directory to the singer folder. You can change the wav and lab folder names in the labeler's settings.

Other labelers (not built-in)

  • TextGrid labeler (for Praat TextGrid files): GitHub

Get started

  1. Click New project...
  2. Select a folder containing your sample files as Sample Directory
  3. Change Project name if you would like
  4. Select a labeler, see Scenarios for which labeler to use
  5. Select a way that your project is created. Default is suitable for most cases
  6. If you want to import a single file as input, select File and set the file path. This option is not allowed with some labelers
  7. If you want to generate templates with a plugin, select Template generator and set up the plugin
  8. Click Finish and start editing
  9. Click Export in the menu to get the edited label file

There are more settings folded as Advanced settings, or provided by the labelers/plugins, please check them out if you need more customization.

Available keyboard/mouse actions

Note that the following Ctrl is mapped to Command if you are using macOS.

You can customize the key bindings in Settings -> Prefereneces -> Keymaps.

Move parameter lines

  • Mouse drag on normal parameters: move itself
  • Mouse drag on primary parameters: move all the lines together
  • Shift: invert normal/primary. e.g. mouse drag on primary parameters with Shift pressed only moves itself.
  • Q/W/E/R/... : move the corresponding parameter line to current cursor position. The order is defined in the labeler. Note that this feature is only available in the single entry editing mode.

Audio playback

  • Space: play the current entry, or stop playing if already playing
  • Shift + Space: play the current sample file or stop playing if already playing
  • Ctrl + Shift + Space: play the audio with current screen range or stop playing if already playing
  • (with most tools) mouse right click: play the clicked section
  • (with the Cursor tool) Alt + mouse drag on parameters: play the audio near the cursor's position while moving

Please also see the section of the Playback tool for more actions.


  • Shift + mouse wheel scroll: horizontal scroll
  • F or Focus button in the center of the bottom bar: Scroll to center the current entry on the screen

Zoom in/out

  • = or + button in the bottom bar: zoom in
  • - or - button in the bottom bar: zoom out
  • Ctrl + Shift + mouse wheel scroll: zoom in/out
  • Resolution button in the bottom bar: open dialog for resolution input

Switch entry/sample

  • Mouse wheel scroll: go to previous/next entry
  • Up/Down: go to previous/next entry
  • </> buttons in the bottom bar: go to previous/next entry
  • Ctrl + mouse wheel scroll: go to previous/next sample
  • Ctrl + Up/Down: go to previous/next sample
  • <</>> buttons in the bottom bar: go to previous/next sample
  • Ctrl + G or entry number button in the bottom bar: show Go to entry... dialog

Set notes for entry

  • J or Add tag button in the entry title bar: Start editing the entry's tag
  • K or Star button in the entry title bar: Toggle the entry's Starred status
  • L or Done button in the entry title bar: Toggle the entry's Done status

Settings for notes

You can change settings in Settings -> Prefereneces -> Editor -> Notes to hide the items that you don't need.

Post-editing actions

You can change settings in Settings -> Prefereneces -> Editor -> Post-editing actions to automatically execute the following actions after editing entries:

  • Go to next entry
  • Set the edited entry as Done (enabled by default)

Quickly launch batch edit plugins

  • F1~F8: launch the corresponding batch edit plugin. Need to be configured in Tools -> Batch Edit -> Slot Settings... before use. About plugins, see Plugins for more details.

Multi-entry editing mode

For labelers in continuous mode (example), you can switch between the single entry editing mode and a multi-entry editing mode which shows and allows you to edit all the connected entries in the same sample file.

It's enabled by default. You can click the Single/Mutiple button in the center of the bottom bar to enable or disable it.

In the multi-entry editing mode, names of the entries are displayed at the top of the editor. By clicking the names, the following actions are conducted:

  • Click: Rename the entry
  • Long click: Go to the entry

Support other audio formats

You can install ffmpeg to support more audio formats. You can download it from the official website. You need to then configure the path to the ffmpeg executable in Settings -> Prefereneces -> Charts -> Audio Format Support.

For macOS/Linux, you can install ffmpeg into bin or your system path, so the default path ffmpeg works.

Video integration

You can attach a video to the sample file with the same name and duration, and watch the video while you're editing. For example:

(sample folder)
    - 1.wav
    - 1.mp4
    - 2.wav
    - 2.webm

You need to install VLC to use this feature. You can download it from here.

Note that even on an Apple Silicon mac, you will need a macOS version instead of a macOS (AppleSilicon) version if you are using the application downloaded from Release page of this repository.

Use shortcut Ctrl + V or Ctrl + Shift + V to open the attached video in the left-bottom corner or in a new window. The video will be played silently along with the sample file.

Browsing entries

There are two components showing an entry list:

  1. The pinned entry list: shown on the right side of the editor by default. You can toggle it by via menu View -> Pin Entry List. It provides a full powered entry filter (described below).
  2. The Go to entry... dialog: shown when you press Ctrl + G or click the entry number button in the bottom bar. It provides a simple entry filter.

Searching and filtering entries

In both types of entry list, you can use the following syntax to search entries:


Multiple conditions can be combined with ;. Only entries that match all the conditions are shown.

The following condition keys (the part left to :) are supported:

  • no key: search in the entry name, sample name (without extension) or tag
  • name: search in the entry name
  • sample: search in the sample name (without extension)
  • tag: search in the tag

The match type for this search is contains.

In the pinned entry list, you can click the Expand button to show more options.

For the Done filter and Star filter, clicking will switch them between Do not filter, Show only starred/done and Show only unstarred/undone.

You can click the More button to open a dialog for setting conditions separately.

All these filters are combined with AND logic.

Linking filter to editor

By default, project navigation (go to next sample/entry etc. by keyboard shortcuts, mouse wheel scroll or button click) is not affected by the filter.

For example, even if you have filtered out entry no.5 in the entry list, you can still press Down key to go to the entry no.5 from entry no.4.

The Link button in the expanded filter can help you concentrate on a specific set of entries. When it's toggled, the entries that are not shown in the pinned entry list will be skipped when navigating.

In the above example, if you have toggled the Link button, you will go to entry no.6 when pressing Down key instead ofno.5.

Note that the Go to entry... dialog is not affected by the linked filter, so you can still go to any entry by it without changing or clearing your filter settings in the pinned entry list.


The following editing tool is provided. You can use shortcuts or menu items under Edit -> Tools to switch tools, or toggle the toolbox by menu View -> Show Toolbox.


The normal cursor tool to drag parameter controllers.


Cut the entry into two parts by your click position. This is typically used in the Multi-entry editing mode to create new labels.

By default, when you click on a valid position with the scissors:

  1. Audio of the first part after cutting is played so that you can confirm the phoneme
  2. An input box is shown in the editor to rename the first part
  3. You can press Enter to confirm the input, or press Esc to cancel
  4. If you move the cursor away from the clicked position, the input is confirmed as well
  5. Cutting is conducted. The first one uses your input as its name, and the second one uses the original name
  6. The editor goes to the first entry after cutting

In single-entry editing mode, the name input is requested in a dialog instead of in the editor.

These actions can be customized in Prefereneces -> Editor -> Scissors.


Or the hand tool. Drag on the editor to scroll the canvas.


Use mouse click or drag to play a certain range of the current sample file. The following actions are available as default. You can change the key bindings in Settings -> Prefereneces -> Keymaps -> Mouse click actions.

  • Left click: play the audio from the clicked position until the end of the audio
  • Right click: play the audio from the clicked position until the end of the screen
  • Shift + left click: play the audio from the start of the file until the clicked position
  • Shift + right click: play the audio from the start of the screen until the clicked position
  • Ctrl + left click & drag: play the audio in the dragged range
  • Ctrl + Shift + left click & drag: play the audio in the dragged range repeatedly


A "labeler" is a configuration file for vLabeler which defines the behavior of a certain type of voice generation software. For example, the built-in UTAU oto labeler is a labeler for editing UTAU's oto.ini files.

A labeler defines:

  • what data/fields a voice entry should contain (e.g. for UTAU, you need fixed, preutterance, overlap, etc.)
  • how the data/fields are displayed in the editor as parameter controllers
  • whether entries should be connected (every entry's start should be the same as the previous entry's end)
  • how to parse a label file to a vLabeler project
  • how to generate a label file from a vLabeler project
  • how to build subprojects under a vLabeler project
  • and more behaviors when editing the certain type of label files

A labeler may also support some configurable fields via GUI, without changing the labeler's file itself. You can find the settings in the Settings icon next to the labeler selector in the New Project page.

If you want to edit the labels for a voice generation software that is not supported by vLabeler, instead of requesting development supporting that software, you can create a labeler to make it work. (it requires some knowledge of the coding though). Please check Develop Custom Labelers for details about labeler development.

You can import your own labelers in Settings -> Labelers.... You can also distribute the labelers created by yourself to other users, or contact us for making them built-in.


Currently, two types of plugins are available.

Template generators

A template generator can help generate project templates from input files and parameters.

Compared to a default template generated by the labeler which is literally minimum to include all the sample files given, a template generator plugin can create complicated templates. It's also more customizable with user input parameters.

All valid template generators which support the selected labeler can be chosen on the New Project page.

You can import/delete/disable template generators in Settings -> Template Generators....

Batch edit plugins

Batch edit plugins can be used to conduct complicated batch editing tasks.

You can find available batch edit plugins in Tools -> Batch Edit. Some displayed plugins may not be clickable, if it is not supported by the current labeler.

You can import/delete/disable batch edit plugins in Tools -> Batch Edit -> Manage plugins....

More available plugins (except built-in)

  • resampler-test: Play the UTAU resampler output of the current entry, which is similar to setParam's synthesis test (F10).
  • oto-timing-test: Play the entry aligned with metronome clicks for checking the utterance setting, which is similar to setParam's utterance timing (F8).

Plugin Development

We welcome plugin development for the application. You can distribute your plugin anywhere, or create a pull request to make it built-in.

See Develop Plugins for vLabeler for details.


You can find the logs by clicking Help -> Open Log Directory, for development/debug/test purposes.

When reporting issues to us, please attach the recent log files.

App usage tracking

Please check App Usage Tracking for details.

Known issues

  1. The Scroll Canvas to Left/Right actions in Keymap -> Mouse scroll actions cannot be changed at present. If you are using a trackpad, we recommend you to disable the Go to Next/Previous Entry actions in the same page, so that you can scroll the canvas by trackpad without triggering the entry navigation actions.
  2. On Linux, the file chooser may not be able to select an empty folder. Please create something inside, or copy + paste its path
  3. On Linux, sometimes the application may not be able to recycle memory properly. You can use Tools -> Recycle Memory to force it to recycle memory.
  4. Sometimes the window freezes unexpectedly. You can resize the window to refresh it.
  5. If all texts besides the menu bar are invisible, please try setting the environment variable SKIKO_RENDER_API to SOFTWARE.
  6. On some Linux distributions, the file dialogs may not work properly. In this case, you can enable a custom file dialog in Settings -> Preferences -> Miscellaneous. Please note that the custom file dialog may not be as powerful as the system file dialog.

Localization help (besides code contributors)



Open source voice labeling application







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  • Kotlin 94.8%
  • JavaScript 5.1%
  • Shell 0.1%