🎨 High quality pure Weex demo / 网易严选 App 感受 Weex 开发
This maintains proposals for changes and user-visible enhancements to the Swift Programming Language.
Apollo is a reliable configuration management system suitable for microservice configuration management scenarios.
Ansible is a radically simple IT automation platform that makes your applications and systems easier to deploy and maintain. Automate everything from code deployment to network configuration to clo…
Mirror of redmine code source - Official Subversion repository is at - contact: @vividtone or maeda (at) farend (dot) jp
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Set up a modern web app by running one command.
This code demonstrates deployment of a Microservices based application Game On! on to Kubernetes cluster. Game On! is a throwback text-based adventure built to help you explore microservice archite…
[DEPRECATED] An Unofficial E-Hentai Application for Android
A framework for building native applications using React
📚 Freely available programming books
一个全栈增长工程师的练手项目集. A Growth Engineering Idea in Action.
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The open source frontend for GitBook doc sites
Mars is a cross-platform network component developed by WeChat.
《Spring Cloud与Docker微服务架构实战》Docker章节配套源码。讨论QQ群:731548893
《Spring Cloud与Docker微服务架构实战》配套代码。讨论QQ群:731548893
《使用Spring Cloud与Docker实战微服务》开源书。讨论QQ群:731548893。配套代码:
⚡ A distributed crawler for weibo, building with celery and requests.
🔥 该仓库中主要是 Spring Boot 的入门学习教程以及一些常用的 Spring Boot 实战项目教程,包括 Spring Boot 使用的各种示例代码,同时也包括一些实战项目的项目源码和效果展示,实战项目包括基本的 web 开发以及目前大家普遍使用的线上博客项目/企业大型商城系统/前后端分离实践项目等,摆脱各种 hello world 入门案例的束缚,真正的掌握 Spring Bo…
Maven Archetype for Spring Boot