🔥 🔥 🔥Train Your Own DataSet for YOLACT and YOLACT++ Instance Segmentation Model!!!
An example project which contains the Unity components necessary to complete Navigation2's SLAM tutorial with a Turtlebot3, using a custom Unity environment in place of Gazebo.
A Gazebo-ROS AMR robot with differential drive, depth camera, IMU and 2D LiDAR
A virtual simulation platform for autonomous vehicle sensing, mapping, control and behaviour methods using ROS 2 and Gazebo.
Object Detection using a Raspberry Pi 4
MicroPython library for PID speed and position control of N20 motors with encoders
L298 motor driver with speed encoder LM393 on raspberry pi
Use Tensorflow Lite + OpenCV to do object detection, classification, and Pose detection.
Real World Distance measurement by detecting and identifying the Object using WebCam. A prototype that can help blind people navigate smoothly. Algorithm: Yolo Object Detection Hardware: Raspberry …
This is Kalman filter algorithm written in python language used to calculate the angle, rate and bias from the input of an accelerometer/magnetometer and a gyroscope from MPU6050 using Raspberry pi…
Two-wheels multi-sensor robot with Raspberry Pi 3 B+
Make a Wake word detection engine like "Ok, google!"
Pre-trained Precise models and training data provided by the Mycroft Community
Python Experiments for Mycroft Precise Wake Word Listener
A lightweight, simple-to-use, RNN wake word listener
Easily trigger Alexa avs-device-sdk using Picovoice Porcupine.
On-device wake word detection powered by deep learning
Use Google Speech Recognition API to convert your speech into text