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A Filter is a request/response processor. Multiple filters can be orchestrated together to form a pipeline, each filter returns a string result after it finishes processing the input request/response. An empty result means the input was successfully processed by the current filter and can go forward to the next filter in the pipeline, while a non-empty result means the pipeline or preceding filter need to take extra action.


The API Aggregator forwards one request to multiple API HTTP Pipelines in the same namespace and aggregates responses.

Below is an example configuration that forwards one request to two pipelines, http-pipeline-1 and http-pipeline-2. When forwarding a request to http-pipeline-2, the request method is changed to GET and a new header Original-Method is added with the original request method. The two responses are merged into one before return to the client.

kind: APIAggregator
name: api-aggregator-example
mergeResponse: true
- name: http-pipeline-1
- name: http-pipeline-2
  method: GET
      Original-Method: "[[filter.api-aggregator-example.req.method]]"
  disableBody: false


Name Type Description Required
maxBodyBytes int64 The upper limit of request body size, default is 0 which means no limit No
partialSucceed bool Whether regards the result of the original request as successful or not when a request to some of the API pipelines fails, default is false No
timeout string Timeout duration for requests to API proxies No
mergeResponse bool Whether merging the multiple response objects into one, default is false means the final response is an array of the responses from API proxies No
pipelines []apiaggregator.Pipeline Configuration of API proxies Yes


Value Description
failed The APIAggregator has failed to process the request


The Proxy filter is a proxy of backend service.

Below is one of the simplest Proxy configurations, it forward requests to

kind: Proxy
name: proxy-example-1
  - url:

Besides mainPool, candidatePools can also be configured, if so, Proxy first checks if one of the candidate pools can process a request. For example, the candidate pool in the below configuration randomly selects and processes 30‰ of requests, and the main pool processes the other 970‰ of requests.

kind: Proxy
name: proxy-example-2
  - url:
  - servers:
    - url:
      perMill: 30
      policy: random

Servers of a pool can also be dynamically configured via service discovery, the below configuration gets a list of servers by serviceRegistry & serviceName, and only servers that have tag v2 are selected.

kind: Proxy
name: proxy-example-3
  serverTags: ["v2"]
  serviceName: service-001
  serviceRegistry: eureka-service-registry-example

When there are multiple servers in a pool, the Proxy can do a load balance between them:

kind: Proxy
name: proxy-example-4
  serverTags: ["v2"]
  serviceName: service-001
  serviceRegistry: eureka-service-registry-example
    policy: roundRobin
    headerHashKey: X-User-Id


Name Type Description Required
fallback proxy.FallbackSpec Fallback steps when failed to send a request or receives a failure response No
mainPool proxy.PoolSpec Main pool of backend servers Yes
candidatePools []proxy.PoolSpec One or more pool configuration similar with mainPool but with filter options configured. When Proxy get a request, it first goes through the pools in candidatePools, and if one of the pools filter in the request, servers of this pool handles the request, otherwise, the request is pass to mainPool No
mirrorPool proxy.PoolSpec Definition a mirror pool, requests are sent to this pool simultaneously when they are sent to candidate pools or main pool No
failureCodes []int HTTP status codes need to be handled as failure No
compression proxy.CompressionSpec Response compression options No


Value Description
fallback Fallback steps have been executed
internalError Encounters an internal error
clientError Client-side(Easegress) network error
serverError Server-side network error


The Bridge filter route requests from one pipeline to other pipelines or HTTP proxies under an HTTP server.

The upstream filter set the target pipeline/proxy in request header X-Easegress-Bridge-Dest. Bridge extracts the header value and tries to match it in the configuration. It sends the request if a destination matched and aborts the process if no match. It selects the first destination from the filter configuration if there's no header named X-Easegress-Bridge-Dest.

Below is an example configuration with two destinations.

kind: Bridge
name: bridge-example
destinations: ["pipeline1", "pipeline2"]


Name Type Description Required
destinations []string Destination pipeline/proxy names Yes


Value Description
destinationNotFound The desired destination is not found
invokeDestinationFailed Failed to invoke the destination


The CORSAdaptor handles the CORS preflight request for backend service.

The below example configuration handles the preflight GET request from *

kind: CORSAdaptor
name: cors-adaptor-example
allowedOrigins: ["http://*"]
allowedMethods: [GET]


Name Type Description Required
allowedOrigins []string An array of origins a cross-domain request can be executed from. If the special * value is present in the list, all origins will be allowed. An origin may contain a wildcard () to replace 0 or more characters (i.e.: Usage of wildcards implies a small performance penalty. Only one wildcard can be used per origin. Default value is * No
allowedMethods []string An array of methods the client is allowed to use with cross-domain requests. The default value is simple methods (HEAD, GET, and POST) No
allowedHeaders []string An array of non-simple headers the client is allowed to use with cross-domain requests. If the special * value is present in the list, all headers will be allowed. The default value is [] but "Origin" is always appended to the list No
allowCredentials bool Indicates whether the request can include user credentials like cookies, HTTP authentication, or client-side SSL certificates No
exposedHeaders []string Indicates which headers are safe to expose to the API of a CORS API specification No


Value Description
preflighted The request is a preflight one and has been processed successfully


The Fallback filter mocks a response as fallback action of other filters. The below example configuration mocks the response with a specified status code, headers, and body.

kind: Fallback
name: fallback-example
mockCode: 200
  Content-Type: application/json
mockBody: '{"message": "The feature turned off, please try it later."}'


Name Type Description Required
mockCode int This code overwrites the status code of the original response Yes
mockHeaders map[string]string Headers to be added/set to the original response No
mockBody string Default is an empty string, overwrite the body of the original response if specified No


Value Description
fallback The fallback steps have been executed, this filter always return this result


The Mock filter mocks responses according to configured rules, mainly for testing purposes.

Below is an example configuration to mock response for requests to path /users/1 with specified status code, headers, and body, also with a 100ms delay to mock the time for request processing.

kind: Mock
name: mock-example
- path: /users/1
  code: 200
    Content-Type: application/json
  body: '{"name": "alice", "age": 30}'
  delay: 100ms


Name Type Description Required
rules []mock.Rule Mocking rules Yes


Value Description
mocked The request matches one of the rules and response has been mocked


The RemoteFilter is a filter making remote service acting as an internal filter. It forwards original request & response information to the remote service and returns a result according to the response of the remote service.

The below example configuration forwards request & response information to

kind: RemoteFilter
name: remote-filter-example
timeout: 500ms


Name Type Description Required
url string Address of remote service Yes
timeout string Timeout duration of the remote service No


Value Description
failed Failed to send the request to remote service, or remote service returns a non-2xx status code
responseAlready The remote service returns status code 205


The RequestAdaptor modifies the original request according to configuration.

The below example configuration adds prefix /v3 to the request path.

kind: RequestAdaptor
name: request-adaptor-example
  addPrefix: /v3

The below example configuration removes header X-Version from all GET requests.

kind: RequestAdaptor
name: request-adaptor-example
method: GET
  del: ["X-Version"]


Name Type Description Required
method string If provided, the method of the original request is replaced by the value of this option No
path pathadaptor.Spec Rules to revise request path No
header httpheader.AdaptSpec Rules to revise request header No
body string If provided the body of the original request is replaced by the value of this option. Note: the body can be a template, which means runtime variables (enclosed by [[ & ]]) are replaced by their actual values No
host string If provided the host of the original request is replaced by the value of this option. Note: the host can be a template, which means runtime variables (enclosed by [[ & ]]) are replaced by their actual values No


The RequestAdaptor always returns an empty result.


The CircuitBreaker is a finite state machine with three states: CLOSED, OPEN, and HALF_OPEN. When the state is CLOSED, requests pass through the CircuitBreaker normally, state transits to OPEN if request failure rate or slow request rate reach a configured threshold and the CircuitBreaker short-circuiting all requests in this state. After a configured duration, state transits from OPEN to HALF_OPEN, in which a limited number of requests are permitted to pass through the CircuitBreaker while other requests are still short-circuited, and state transit to CLOSED or OPEN based on the results of the permitted requests.

When CLOSED, the CircuitBreaker uses a sliding window to store and aggregate the result of recent requests, the window can either be COUNT_BASED or TIME_BASED. The COUNT_BASED window aggregates the last N requests and the TIME_BASED window aggregates requests in the last N seconds, where N is the window size.

Below is an example configuration with both COUNT_BASED and TIME_BASED policies. GET request to paths begin with /books/ uses policy count-based-example, which short-circuits requests if more than half of recent requests failed with status code 500, 503, or 504. GET & POST requests to paths begin with /users/ uses policy time-based-example, which short-circuits requests if more than 60% of recent requests failed.

kind: CircuitBreaker
name: circuit-breaker-example
- name: count-based-example
  slidingWindowType: COUNT_BASED
  failureRateThreshold: 50
  slidingWindowSize: 100
  failureStatusCodes: [500, 503, 504]
- name: time-based-example
  slidingWindowType: TIME_BASED
  failureRateThreshold: 60
  slidingWindowSize: 100
  failureStatusCodes: [500, 503, 504]
- methods: [GET]
    prefix: /books/
  policyRef: count-based-example
- methods: [GET, POST]
    prefix: /users/
  policyRef: time-based-example


Name Type Description Required
policies []circuitbreaker.Policy Policy definitions Yes
defaultPolicyRef string The default policy, if no policyRef is configured in one of the urls, it uses this policy No
urls []resilience.URLRule An array of request match criteria and policy to apply on matched requests. Note that a standalone CircuitBreaker instance is created for each item of the array, even two or more items can refer to the same policy Yes


Value Description
shortCircuited The request has been short-circuited


RateLimiter protects backend service for high availability and reliability by limiting the number of requests sent to the service in a configured duration.

Below example configuration limits GET, POST, PUT, DELETE requests to path which matches regular expression ^/pets/\d+$ to 50 per 10ms, and a request fails if it cannot be permitted in 100ms due to high concurrency requests count.

kind: RateLimiter
name: rate-limiter-example
- name: policy-example
  timeoutDuration: 100ms
  limitRefreshPeriod: 10ms
  limitForPeriod: 50
defaultPolicyRef: policy-example
- methods: [GET, POST, PUT, DELETE]
    regex: ^/pets/\d+$
  policyRef: policy-example


Name Type Description Required
policies []ratelimiter.Policy Policy definitions Yes
defaultPolicyRef string The default policy, if no policyRef is configured in one of the urls, it uses this policy No
urls []resilience.URLRule An array of request match criteria and policy to apply on matched requests. Note that a standalone RateLimiter instance is created for each item of the array, even two or more items can refer to the same policy Yes


Value Description
rateLimited The request has been rejected as a result of rate limiting


TimeLimiter limits the time of requests, a request is canceled if it cannot get a response in configured duration.

The below example configuration marks a POST request to path /users/1 as timed out if it cannot get a response in 500ms.

kind: TimeLimiter
name: time-limiter-example
- methods: [POST]
    exact: /users/1
  timeoutDuration: 500ms


Name Type Description Required
defaultTimeoutDuration string The default timeout duration, if timeoutDuration is not configured in one of the urls, this duration is used. Default is 500ms No
urls []timelimiter.URLRule An array of request match criteria and policy to apply on matched requests Yes


Value Description
timeout The request is timed out


Retryer retries failed requests according to configured policy.

Below example configuration retries GET, POST, PUT, DELETE requests to paths begin with /books/ when response status code is 500, 503 or 504, max retry attempts is 3 and base wait duration between attempts is 500ms.

kind: Retryer
name: retryer-example
- name: policy-example
  maxAttempts: 3
  waitDuration: 500ms
  failureStatusCodes: [500, 503, 504]
defaultPolicyRef: policy-example
- methods: [GET, POST, PUT, DELETE]
    prefix: /books/
  policyRef: policy-example


Name Type Description Required
policies []retryer.Policy Policy definitions Yes
defaultPolicyRef string The default policy, if no policyRef is configured in one of the urls, it uses this policy No
urls []resilience.URLRule An array of request match criteria and policy to apply on matched requests Yes


The filter always returns the result of its succeeding filter, and the result of the last attempt is returned when there are two or more attempts.


The ResponseAdaptor modifies the original response according to the configuration before passing it back.

Below is an example configuration that adds a header named X-Response-Adaptor with value response-adaptor-example to responses.

kind: ResponseAdaptor
name: response-adaptor-example
    X-Response-Adaptor: response-adaptor-example


Name Type Description Required
header httpheader.AdaptSpec Rules to revise request header No
body string If provided the body of the original request is replaced by the value of this option. Note: the body can be a template, which means runtime variables (enclosed by [[ & ]]) are replaced by their actual values No


The filter always returns an empty result.


The Validator filter validates requests, forwards valid ones, and rejects invalid ones. Four validation methods (headers, jwt, signature, and oauth2) are supported up to now, and these methods can either be used together or alone. When two or more methods are used together, a request needs to pass all of them to be forwarded.

Below is an example configuration for the headers validation method. Requests which has a header named Is-Valid with value abc or goodplan or matches regular expression ^ok-.+$ are considered to be valid.

kind: Validator
name: header-validator-example
    values: ["abc", "goodplan"]
    regexp: "^ok-.+$"

Below is an example configuration for the jwt validation method.

kind: Validator
name: jwt-validator-example
  cookieName: auth
  algorithm: HS256
  secret: 6d79736563726574

Below is an example configuration for the signature validation method, note multiple access key id/secret pairs can be listed in accessKeys, but there's only one pair here as an example.

kind: Validator
name: signature-validator-example

Below is an example configuration for the oauth2 validation method which uses a token introspection server for validation.

kind: Validator
name: oauth2-validator-example
    clientId: easegress
    clientSecret: 42620d18-871d-465f-912a-ebcef17ecb82
    insecureTls: false


Name Type Description Required
headers map[string]httpheader.ValueValidator Header validation rules, the key is the header name and the value is validation rule for corresponding header value, a request needs to pass all of the validation rules to pass the headers validation No
jwt validator.JWTValidatorSpec JWT validation rule, validates JWT token string from the Authorization header or cookies No
signature signer.Spec Signature validation rule, implements an Amazon Signature V4 compatible signature validation validator, with customizable literal strings No
oauth2 validator.OAuth2ValidatorSpec The OAuth/2 method support Token Introspection mode and Self-Encoded Access Tokens mode, only one mode can be configured at a time No


Value Description
invalid The request doesn't pass validation


The WasmHost filter implements a host environment for user-developed WebAssembly code. Below is an example configuration that loads wasm code from a file, and more details could be found at this document.

name: wasm-host-example
kind: WasmHost
maxConcurrency: 2
code: /home/megaease/wasm/hello.wasm
timeout: 200ms

Note: this filter is disabled in the default build of Easegress, it can be enabled by:

$ make GOTAGS=wasmhost


$ go build -tags=wasmhost


Name Type Description Required
maxConcurrency int32 The maximum requests the filter can process concurrently. Default is 10 and minimum value is 1. Yes
code string The wasm code, can be the base64 encoded code, or path/url of the file which contains the code. Yes
timeout string Timeout for wasm execution, default is 100ms. Yes
parameters map[string]string Parameters to initialize the wasm code. No


Value Description
outOfVM Can not found an available wasm VM.
wasmError An error occurs during the execution of wasm code.
wasmResult1 Results defined and returned by wasm code.

Common Types


Name Type Description Required
name string The name of target HTTP pipeline Yes
method string Replaces request method with the value of this option when specified No
path pathadaptor.Spec Rules to revise request path No
header httpheader.AdaptSpec Rules to revise request header No
disableBody bool Whether forwards the body of the original request or not, default is false No


Name Type Description Required
replace string Replaces request path with the value of this option when specified No
addPrefix string Prepend the value of this option to request path when specified No
trimPrefix string Trims the value of this option if request path start with it when specified No
regexReplace pathadaptor.RegexpReplace Revise request path with regular expression No


Name Type Description Required
regexp string Regular expression to match request path. The syntax of the regular expression is RE2 Yes
replace string Replacement when the match succeeds. Placeholders like $1, $2 can be used to represent the sub-matches in regexp Yes


Rules to revise request header. Note that both header name and value can be a template, which means runtime variables (enclosed by [[ & ]]) are replaced by their actual values.

Name Type Description Required
del []string Name of the headers to be removed No
set map[string]string Name & value of headers to be set No
add map[string]string Name & value of headers to be added No


Name Type Description Required
forCodes bool When true, fallback handles HTTP status code listed in failureCodes, default is false No
mockCode int Please refer the Fallback filter Yes
mockHeaders map[string]string Please refer the Fallback filter No
mockBody string Please refer the Fallback filter No


Name Type Description Required
spanName string Span name for tracing, if not specified, the url of the target server is used No
serverTags []string Server selector tags, only servers have tags in this array are included in this pool No
servers []proxy.Server An array of static servers. If omitted, serviceName and serviceRegistry must be provided, and vice versa No
serviceName string This option and serviceRegistry are for dynamic server discovery No
serviceRegistry string This option and serviceName are for dynamic server discovery No
loadBalance proxy.LoadBalance Load balance options Yes
memoryCache memorycache.Spec Options for response caching No
filter httpfilter.Spec Filter options for candidate pools No


Name Type Description Required
url string Address of the server Yes
tags []string Tags of this server, refer serverTags in proxy.PoolSpec No
weight int When load balance policy is weightedRandom, this value is used to calculate the possibility of this server No


Name Type Description Required
policy string Load balance policy, valid values are roundRobin, random, weightedRandom, ipHash ,and headerHash Yes
headerHashKey string When policy is headerHash, this option is the name of a header whose value is used for hash calculation No


Name Type Description Required
codes []int HTTP status codes to be cached Yes
expiration string Expiration duration of cache entries Yes
maxEntryBytes uint32 Maximum size of the response body, response with a larger body is never cached Yes
methods []string HTTP request methods to be cached Yes


If headers criteria are configured, a request is filtered in if it matches both headers and urls. If headers criteria are NOT configured, the probability options are used.

Name Type Description Required
headers map[string]urlrule.StringMatch Request header filter options. The key of this map is header name, and the value of this map is header value match criteria No
urls []urlrule.URLRule Request URL match criteria No
probability httpfilter.Probability Options for filter in requests by probability No


The relationship between exact, prefix, and regex is OR.

Name Type Description Required
exact string The string must be identical to the value of this field. No
prefix string The string must begin with the value of this field No
regex string The string must the regular expression specified by the value of this field No


The relationship between methods and url is AND.

Name Type Description Required
methods []string HTTP method criteria, Default is an empty list means all methods No
url urlrule.StringMatch Criteria to match a URL Yes


The relationship between methods and url is AND.

Name Type Description Required
methods []string HTTP method criteria, Default is an empty list means all methods No
url urlrule.StringMatch Criteria to match a URL Yes
policyRef string Name of resilience policy for matched requests No


Name Type Description Required
perMill uint32 Target filter in ratio, in per millage Yes
policy string Randomization policy, valid values are ipHash, headerHash, and random Yes
headerHashKey string When policy is headerHash, this option is the name of a header whose value is used for hash calculation No


Name Type Description Required
minLength int Minimum response body size to be compressed, response with a smaller body is never compressed Yes


Name Type Description Required
code int HTTP status code of the mocked response Yes
path string Path match criteria, if request path is the value of this option, then the response of the request is mocked according to this rule No
pathPrefix string Path prefix match criteria, if request path begins with the value of this option, then the response of the request is mocked according to this rule No
delay string Delay duration, for the request processing time mocking No
headers map[string]string Headers of the mocked response No
body string Body of the mocked response, default is an empty string No


Name Type Description Required
name string Name of the policy. Must be unique in one CircuitBreaker configuration Yes
slidingWindowType string Type of the sliding window which is used to record the outcome of requests when the CircuitBreaker is CLOSED. Sliding window can either be COUNT_BASED or TIME_BASED. If the sliding window is COUNT_BASED, the last slidingWindowSize requests are recorded and aggregated. If the sliding window is TIME_BASED, the requests of the last slidingWindowSize seconds are recorded and aggregated. Default is COUNT_BASED No
failureRateThreshold int8 Failure rate threshold in percentage. When the failure rate is equal to or greater than the threshold the CircuitBreaker transitions to OPEN and starts short-circuiting requests. Default is 50 No
slowCallRateThreshold int8 Slow rate threshold in percentage. The CircuitBreaker considers a request as slow when its duration is greater than slowCallDurationThreshold. When the percentage of slow requests is equal to or greater than the threshold, the CircuitBreaker transitions to OPEN and starts short-circuiting requests. Default is 100 No
countingNetworkError bool Counting network error as failure or not. Default is false No
slidingWindowSize uint32 The size of the sliding window which is used to record the outcome of requests when the CircuitBreaker is CLOSED. Default is 100 No
permittedNumberOfCallsInHalfOpenState uint32 The number of permitted requests when the CircuitBreaker is HALF_OPEN. Default is 10 No
minimumNumberOfCalls uint32 The minimum number of requests which are required (per sliding window period) before the CircuitBreaker can calculate the error rate or slow requests rate. For example, if minimumNumberOfCalls is 10, then at least 10 requests must be recorded before the failure rate can be calculated. If only 9 requests have been recorded the CircuitBreaker will not transition to OPEN even if all 9 requests have failed. Default is 10 No
maxWaitDurationInHalfOpenState string The maximum wait duration which controls the longest amount of time a CircuitBreaker could stay in HALF_OPEN state before it switches to OPEN. Value 0 means Circuit Breaker would wait infinitely in HALF_OPEN State until all permitted requests have been completed. Default is 0 No
waitDurationInOpenState string The time that the CircuitBreaker should wait before transitioning from OPEN to HALF_OPEN. Default is 60s No
failureStatusCodes []int HTTP status codes which need to be counting as failures No


Name Type Description Required
name string Name of the policy. Must be unique in one RateLimiter configuration Yes
timeoutDuration string Maximum duration a request waits for permission to pass through the RateLimiter. The request fails if it cannot get permission in this duration. Default is 100ms No
limitRefreshPeriod string The period of a limit refresh. After each period the RateLimiter sets its permissions count back to the limitForPeriod value. Default is 10ms No
limitForPeriod int The number of permissions available in one limitRefreshPeriod. Default is 50 No


Name Type Description Required
methods []string HTTP method criteria, Default is an empty list means all methods No
url urlrule.StringMatch Criteria to match a URL Yes
timeoutDuration string Timeout duration for matched requests. Default is 500ms No


Name Type Description Required
name string Name of the policy. Must be unique in one Retryer configuration Yes
countingNetworkError bool Counting network error as failure or not. Default is false No
failureStatusCodes []int HTTP status codes which need to be counting as failures No
maxAttempts int The maximum number of attempts (including the initial one). Default is 3 No
waitDuration string The base wait duration between attempts. Default is 500ms No
backOffPolicy string The back-off policy for wait duration, could be EXPONENTIAL or RANDOM and the default is RANDOM. If configured as EXPONENTIAL, the base wait duration becomes 1.5 times larger after each failed attempt No
randomizationFactor float64 Randomization factor for actual wait duration, a number in interval [0, 1], default is 0. The actual wait duration used is a random number in interval [(base wait duration) * (1 - randomizationFactor), (base wait duration) * (1 + randomizationFactor)] No


Name Type Description Required
values []string An array of strings, if one of the header values of any header of the request is found in the array, the request is considered to pass the validation of current rule No
regexp string A regular expression, if one of the header values of any header of the request matches this regular expression, the request is considered to pass the validation of current rule No


Name Type Description Required
cookieName string The name of a cookie, if this option is set and the cookie exists, its value is used as the token string, otherwise, the Authorization header is used No
algorithm string The algorithm for validation, HS256, HS384, and HS512 are supported Yes
secret string The secret for validation, in hex encoding Yes


Name Type Description Required
literal signer.Literal Literal strings for customization, default value is used if omitted No
excludeBody bool Exclude request body from the signature calculation, default is false No
ttl string Time to live of a signature, default is 0 means a signature never expires No
accessKeys map[string]string A map of access key id to access key secret Yes


Name Type Description Required
scopeSuffix string The last part to build credential scope, default is megaease_request, in Amazon Signature V4, it is aws4_request No
algorithmName string The query name of the signature algorithm in the request, default is X-Me-Algorithm, in Amazon Signature V4, it is X-Amz-Algorithm No
algorithmValue string The header/query value of the signature algorithm for the request, default is "ME-HMAC-SHA256", in Amazon Signature V4, it is AWS4-HMAC-SHA256 No
signedHeaders string The header/query headers of the signed headers, default is X-Me-SignedHeaders, in Amazon Signature V4, it is X-Amz-SignedHeaders No
signature string The query name of the signature, default is X-Me-Signature, in Amazon Signature V4, it is X-Amz-Signature No
date string The header/query name of the request time, default is X-Me-Date, in Amazon Signature V4, it is X-Amz-Date No
expires string The query name of expire duration, default is X-Me-Expires, in Amazon Signature V4, it is X-Amz-Date No
credential string The query name of credential, default is X-Me-Credential, in Amazon Signature V4, it is X-Amz-Credential No
contentSha256 string The header name of body/payload hash, default is "X-Me-Content-Sha256", in Amazon Signature V4, it is X-Amz-Content-Sha256 No
signingKeyPrefix string The prefix is prepended to access key secret when deriving the signing key, default is ME, in Amazon Signature V4, it is AWS4 No


Name Type Description Required
tokenIntrospect validator.OAuth2TokenIntrospect Configuration for Token Introspection mode No
jwt validator.OAuth2JWT Configuration for Self-Encoded Access Tokens mode No


Name Type Description Required
endPoint string The endpoint of the token introspection server Yes
clientId string Client id of Easegress in the token introspection server No
clientSecret string Client secret of Easegress No
basicAuth string If clientId not specified and this option is specified, its value is used for basic authorization with the token introspection server No
insecureTls bool Whether the connection between Easegress and the token introspection server need to be secure or not, default is false means the connection need to be a secure one No


Name Type Description Required
algorithm string The algorithm for validation, HS256, HS384 and HS512 are supported Yes
secret string The secret for validation, in hex encoding Yes