☁️ I was part of Scaleway's second Cloud Builder Launchpad.
📕 I'm a Paris alumni.
🔭 Check out my portfolio website ! Built with VueJS and Sass (and plenty of neon effects).
⚡ I have recently completed Paris' final common core project: ft_transcendence.
In this online gaming team project, I built all the chat-related functionalities, with public/private and password protected channels, membership system with mute, ban and kick options, admin pannels, live socket transmission of messages and simultaneous DB storage, direct messaging channels, live togglable notifications system...
I produced a fully functional secured chat API, accessed through a user-friendly responsive cross-browser compatible front
and I am very proud of it :)
🛠️ Here's my stack:
🌤️ You like weather forecasts? You like sloths? Get the best of both worlds with my Weather Sloth App!
📫 Reach out!