This project allows a user to view shoes and upload favorite shoes to database. Motivation is to demonstrate a CRUD app using the MERN stack. Images are uploaded using Multer and stored on Cloudinary.
Live demo:
To run this project locally, install both the server and
client (must have a local instance of Mongo running):
$ yarn install
$ yarn start
Project created with:
- React
- Node / Express
- Mongo / Mongoose
- Semantic UI React
Method | Endpoint | Description |
GET | /api/shoes | Display all shoes |
POST | /api/shoes | Create a new shoe |
GET | /api/shoes/:id | Display one shoe based on the shoe ID |
PUT | /api/shoes/:id | Update a shoe based on the shoe ID |
DELETE | /api/shoes/:id | Delete a shoe based on the shoe ID |
Posts in the database conform to the following structure:
shoe: "The post name", // String, required
designer: "The shoe brand / designer" // String, required
price: "The shoe price" // Number, required
image: "The shoe image file path" // String, required