This script ( will take a number of UTXOs (defined in txcount) and will send/aggregate it to another address (defined in aggAddress). The script will do 3 loops (defined in maxloops) and will wait 20 seconds (time.sleep(20)) after each transaction in send.
You need a dogecoin core wallet running for this script. It is okay to just have dogecoin-qt up and running. In my case I run "dogecoin-qt -testnet". Make sure your dogecoin.conf file matches the variables (rpcuser, rpcpassword, rpcport).
The fees seem to be calculated wrong (too high for big transactions) and probably in a suboptimal way, but they made it to the chain ⛓️
You see the txid as print-output in the script and it will appear in your tx list in your core wallet.
Credit: is based on pyminer